import turtle def circle(col, rad): """this function draws circles this function is named circle and in the brackets we are able to define the colour aswell as the radius since the final image is made up of a bunch of circles""" turtle.fillcolor(col) turtle.begin_fill() turtle.circle(rad) turtle.end_fill() turtle.pu() turtle.setpos(-35, 95) turtle.pd() circle('black', 15) """first panda ear""" turtle.pu() turtle.setpos(35, 95) turtle.pd() circle('black', 15) """second panda ear""" turtle.pu() turtle.setpos(0, 35) turtle.pd() circle('white', 40) """panda face""" turtle.pu() turtle.setpos(-18, 75) turtle.pd() circle('black', 8) """panda eye circle""" turtle.pu() turtle.setpos(18, 75) turtle.pd() circle('black', 8) """other panda eye circle""" turtle.pu() turtle.setpos(-18, 77) turtle.pd() circle('white', 4) """panda eye""" turtle.pu() turtle.setpos(18, 77) turtle.pd() circle('white', 4) """other panda eye""" turtle.pu() turtle.setpos(0, 55) turtle.pd() circle('black', 5) """panda nose""" turtle.pu() turtle.setpos(0, 55) turtle.pd() turtle.right(90) turtle.circle(5, 180) turtle.up() turtle.setpos(0, 55) turtle.pd() turtle.left(360) turtle.circle(5, -180) turtle.hideturtle() """panda mouth"""