1. Social expectations for men and women during the Victorian era are much different compared to today. There are definitely still some societal limitations put on men and women today, albeit less than the Victorian era, but they are presented in different ways. In the Victorian era a woman was very limited on what they could wear and were not allowed to show their ankles or shoulders. As shown in the game a woman was only allowed to lift up her dress barely at her ankle when crossing a puddle so not to get her skirts dirty. Today there are almost no legal limitations on what you can wear but that doesn’t mean that you are not being judged for what you wear. In the Victorian era a man was expected to be above all a gentleman, to his fellow men and all women. As shown in the game a man was expected to give up his seat for a lady without one. Today a man is nowhere near as expected to be chivalrous or “gentlemanly” to his fellow men or women, although there is a still an archaic expectation to be polite and charming to women because they are the “gentler” sex, not just because they are fellow humans who warrant respect.
2. I would not like to live in the Victorian era because I would not like to be limited on what I could do, what I wear, or how I could talk to people. The hostess at the dinner party was not allowed to comment when her guest broke a dish whereas I would like to comment and ask for compensation.
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