The Blind Eye

This drawing represents the fact that people are all about technology and the reason why the top is coloured and the bottom isn’t is because technology is bland and don’t deserve colour and then books and people talking and really living life deserve colour.

Fahrenheit 451 Reflection


Leading up to the presentation I had to make connections from our part(pg. 59-65) to the world around us. With some reasearch and help from my team, I was able to make connections with a journalist from America, Iron man, myself, and a YouTube video about the heroic journey.

(I couldn’t use the other core competencies page so I just added it here)

I liked this role a lot because I had to think in a different way then I normally do. I also liked this role because I could explore all the different ways I could make connections. Doing this role, I could come up with ideas for connections by just doing everything I normally do so it made it a lot easier. I could research with an idea in mind of what I am looking for because of the different connections I thought of.


Blog Log 2 – Laziness Is Unreal

See article here

I got interested in this article because of the stories we have been reading, and all about first world problems in them. Especially The Soft Rains caught my attention because it is about how we want our house to do everything for us, which is nice, but we can’t become lazy. For example, this product of a pump that squeezes out the peanut butter just so you don’t have to spread it yourself. I particularly liked the way that Rusty wrote this, it was humorous because he is obviously being over exaggerate because he is also being sarcastic and it is funny when those two combine. He really demonstrates how lazy some people are but yet, people still buy it so it is obviously working well.

Blog Log 1 – Why so Inconsiderate

See article here

I liked and disliked this article because I liked how they are dealing with the issue but there is no excuse to why they did that. It’s really cool to see how a lot of people are getting involved in getting the whales out of captivity and into a proper home; therefore, it shows how good some people are. I found this article interesting because wild animals, in my opinion, deserve the same rights as domestic animals because they also just want to live a happy life.

I thought that the writer did a very good job at telling the story in a quick yet informational manner; in addition, she really did her research about the dilemma by explaining about how celebrities are getting involved. When I saw the title of the article, all I could think about was Free Willy, the movie, because in both stories, whales are kept in captivity and need to be released.

Week 17 PreCalc 11

This week in precalc we learned about sine and cosine law and when to use them. Sine law is used when you have an angle with a number across from it, then another number somewhere else on the triangle. Cosine law is used the rest of the time. Sine law has 2 different equations consisting of 3 fractions, the equations are either for finding a side or an angle. Then cosine law has 6 different equations in total, 3 of which are for finding a side and the other three are for finding the angle.


Here is an example of sine law.

Then here is an example of cosine law.

Week 15 PreCalc 11

This week in PreCalc 11 we learned about adding and subtracting rational expressions with binomial and trinomial denominators. So the first step in any adding or subtracting of expressions, you need to simplify the whole equation, ex.

next with fractions, you need to find a common denominator then you can continue with the solving, ex.

Then from there you have to simplify it the most simple form.

Then for subtracting you just have to do the same but obviously subtract.

Week 14 PreCalc 11

This week in PreCalc 11 we learned about multiplying and dividing rational expressions. First step in any equation is to simplify it if possible, ex:


After you can then figure out what x and sometimes y can’t be by looking at the denominator and if x can make the denominator 0, then those numbers can’t be x, ex:


After you state what x and y can’t be you then eliminate everything you can and then you have an answer.

Then for dividing you just have to state the restrictions for both the numerator and the denominator of the fraction after the divide signal and also under the one on the left of the divide signal. Then multiply the reciprocal of it.

Week 13 PreCalc 11

This week in PreCalc 11 we learned about graphing the absolute value of a linear and quadratic function and the reciprocal of them. I will be focusing on the reciprocal form of linear equations, the first thing you do for it is graph the parent function. Next I would find the invariant points, then find the asymptotes, then draw the hyperbola’s.

ex: y=2x+2

Then you would find the invariant points by using 1 and -1 the look along the x line and find where it hit’s the parent line then that’s your invariant points. Ex: the green and blue lines represent where they are.

Then we have to find the x and y asymptotes, most of the time the x intercept is the y asymptote and then 0 is the x asymptote. Ex: the blue line represents the y asymptote and the green line represents the x asymptote.

Then lastly we just have to draw the hyperbola’s by using those lines as a guideline. Ex:

Week 12 PreCalc 11

This week we looked at solving absolute value equations. It’s the same as last chapter but with the absolute value signs it changes it so the entire graph is positive.

Example of a linear equation

If you replace y with 9 perhaps, then you can find the x values


Then we can also do this with a quadratic equation:

Other than graphing it you can find the x values by solving if y was 6: