Week 11 PreCalc 11

This week we dived more into graphing by graphing quadratic inequalities in two variables. It’s basically the same thing as chp. 4 but we have to find out what side of the parabola the answers would come from. You do that by replacing x and y with numbers that aren’t on the line, (0,0) is the easiest so use that the most.


Week 10 PreCalc 11

Semingly I didn’t learn anything new this week, I did forget most about how to do sequences and series. But after studying I remembered how to find t_n or how to find S_n.


But the one thing I had troubles with was finding t_1 when i am givin t_4 and t_10 but after figuring it out I found it pretty easy because all you have to do is find out how many numbers are in between 4 and 10 and then the rest is easy.
