Genre refers to the classification of literary works. It is generally classified by the style and content of literary works. Such as fiction, informational books, personal narratives etc. “Fahrenheit 451” by Ray Bradbury is a fiction novel. This novel is set in a dystopian society of Bradbury’s imagination. The subgenre of this novel is science fiction. Firstly, the background of this book represents the future of American society, so the story takes place in the future. Secondly, the authors predict that people live in societies surrounded by technology, so it fits in a story happened in outer space where the technology of the future is predicted. Thirdly, Bradbury described people are controlled by technology, so technological advanced is the main part of this novel. In addition, “Fahrenheit 451″‘s theme is about the control of the technology that is a satire to present-day society, and the book shows the society is very similar to present-day society. Nowadays, more and more people immerse themselves in the virtual world. Bradbury described might be made possible. As a result, “Fahrenheit 451” is fit in the ion category. Its subgenre is science fiction that the theme is about technological advanced.
451 – Genre Breakdown