The Machine Stops Project

Escaping the machine world

E.M. Forster’s ‘The Machine Stops’ is a story that was published as a reaction to H.G. Wells’ ‘The Time Machine’. He wrote it as a way to somewhat predict the future. Kuno has more of an explorer type of personality, who enjoys visiting places and gets all of his ideas through exploring. Whereas his mom is the opposite, she likes to stay inside, and she doesn’t get any ideas outside of her home. Kuno is also more of a type of person who wants to do things that others are scared to do. He is a very curious and fearless person. The Machine would feed them, clothes them and houses them. They speak to other people and see one another through it. Kuno didn’t like the machine, but others would think otherwise about it because, “they described the strange feeling of peace that came over them when they handled the Book of the Machine, the pleasure that it was to repeat certain numeral out of it.” (Page 22). This picture portrays Kuno going out onto the surface after being stuck in his house at all times and not going out as much as Kuno does so, in my poster, the propaganda techniques that I have used are testimonial, plain folks, and bandwagon. Testimonial is portrayed by Kuno walking out alone and onto the surface of the earth. Plain folk was more of an inspiration to make it like this because Kuno was trying to convince his mother to go and visit him on the surface of the earth. Bandwagon was used by showing that Kuno walking away from all of the technology and moving to the surface of the earth is survivable and is a really good thing to do.


Synthesis Composition

The Machine Stops was written by E.M. Forster as a reaction to The Time Machine written by H.G. Wells. The way Forster writes this book is also a way for him to show what he thinks will happen in the future. The literature in the story is relevant in today’s society by the fact that people in today’s world is creating more and more technology to make life easier. Because of that, sooner and sooner the world will become like that since, “all unrest [will be] concentrated in the soul.” (Page 7). Everyone’s movements will be internal therefore meaning that they will not need to do much due to the fact that technology is becoming more advanced by the day which will result in technology to become personal machines that do things for people. In the story, the dystopian characteristics that would fit into today’s society are that people are becoming slaves to the devices that are around which will lead to people “…[worshiping] the machine.” (Page 12). Yes, the story is fiction, but its Forster’s prediction of what could possibly happen. Now because of all of the technology that there is around, in a few years or decades, the world will become just like the story. It’ll result in everyone only listening to what one person says (the ‘leader’) and what they would display online. No one would be able to distinguish whether the media displayed out is fake or real, “even educated people are increasingly … unwilling to distinguish between fake and real information.” (Stephen Marche). Nobody will want to figure what’s real and what isn’t because they just believe one person who is torturing everyone. Another story that relates to The Machine Stops would be Wall-E, a movie created by Andrew Stanton. Wall-E portrays a way that humans could become. Glued to their screens and on a spaceship out in space because earth became too polluted to live on due to the fact that the people don’t care anymore about taking care of the plant. They try to find a way to go back to earth by sending a robot. Eventually, when the robot finds a plant that resembles a sign that they could return, the other robots turn against that one robot. In The Machine Stops, Kuno would like for the world to go back to how it was before. In Wall-E, the character Wall-E is just a machine who collects garbage and cleans up, but he then finds a robot from the spaceship who is trying to find a sign about living on earth and soon, they find a plant which resembles life on earth and so Wall-E and the robot bring the plant back which makes the captain very happy. Unfortunately, the robots that are taking care of the ship, turn against the captain and don’t want to return. Which then concludes that Kuno, Wall-E, the robot, and the captain all want earth back and for it to be safe and live happily on the surface.

Week 18 – Math 10 “Solving word problems”

This week in Math 10, we learnt how to solve word problems. Word problems can be tricky and it’s easy to ix up words. There are certain words that you have to pay close attention for since it can help structure the equations. Things to remember:

  • Equals: other words for this can be; is, will, was, would be, cost, etc. That means that you need an equal sign.
  • Switch words: switch words are where you might need to switch up the order of how the equation is. Examples of switch words would be: less than, more than, and from.

The word problem I’m showing to solve:

The length of a rectangle is five less than three times its width. If the perimeter is 38 inches, find the rectangles dimensions.

An important thing to remember is that you should always read it at least two times because the first time you should skim through it then re-read it the second but more carefully and highlight/circle the key words.

The length of a rectangle is five less than three times it width. If the perimeter is 38 inches, find the rectangles dimensions.\

The first sentence says that L equals 5 less than 3W. Since “less than” is a switch word, our equation would be L+3W-5

The second sentence says that the perimeter total is 38 inches which means the equation would be 2L+2W=38



We can use substitution to find our variables since in the first equation we already have L by itself, so in the second equation we replace L.

2(3W-5)+2W=38 –> 6W-10+2W=38 –> 8W-10=38 –> 8W=38+10 –> 8W=48 –> 8W/8=48/8 –> W=6

Now that we have W, we can plug that into the first equation.

L=3(6)-5 –> L=18-5 –> L=13

Now since we have our L and W, we have to check it to make sure that we have the correct numbers.

L=3W-5 –> 13=3(6)-5 –> 13=18-5 –> 13=13

2L+2W=38 –> 2(13)+2(6)=38 –> 26+12=38 –> 38=38

It works! L=13, W=6


Week 17 – Math 10 “Solving using substitution”

This week in Math 10, we learnt to solve systems using substitution. Solving by substitution is an algebraic way of solving a system. Substitution is just inserting one equation into another equation and isolating a variable.

For this example I’ll use the equations; x+4y=-3 and 3x-7y=29.

As we can see, we don’t know what x or y is. With some rearranging, we can at least figure out the equation that a variable could be. In the first equation, x+4y=-3, we can move the 4y to the other side to get x by itself. The rearranged equation would now be; x=-3-4y. Now that we know what x is, we can insert it into the second equation. It would now look like; 3(-3-4y)-7y=29.

The first thing we do is distributive property.

-9-12y-7y=29. We now put the like terms together.

-9-19y=29. Next thing is isolation the variable. For that, we move the -9 to the other side which would make it a +9. -19y=29+9.

-19y=38. to fully isolate the variable, we divide everything by -19. Our equation would be y=-38/19 which we would then need to reduce if possible. The final answer is y=-2.

Now that we have y, we need to find x. We can use the easiest equation that we have and replace y with -2.

We will replace the y in the x+4y=-3 equation.


x-8=-3. Now we move the -8 to the other side to get x by itself.

x=-3+8 –> x=5.

Now that we have x &y, we have to verify the numbers in both equations.

x+4y=-3 –> (5)+4(-2)=-3 –> 5-8=-3 –> -3=-3

3x-7y=29 –> 3(5)-7(-2)=29 –> 15+14=29 –> 29=29

The numbers worked! Our ordered pair looks like; (5,-2)

Week 16 – Math 10 “Differences between each solution”

This week in Math 10, we started a new unit called; Systems of Linear Relations. There are three kinds of solutions; No solution, Infinite solutions, and One solution. In an equation, in order to figure out the solution of the two equations. It should be in slope, y-intercept form. These are how the equations should be with each solution.

No Solution – The lines are parallel to each other, the same slope, different y-intercepts. (m1=m2) (b1≠b2)

One Solution – They lines have a point where they meet. The slopes are different, the y-intercepts can be the same or different. (m1≠m2) (b1≠b2) or (b1=b2)

Infinite Solutions –  The lines are the same. The same slope and the same y-intercept. (m1=m2) (b1=b2)

Some equation Examples:

No Solution – y=3x-1 , y=3x+4

One Solution – y=2x+5 , y=-x+4

Infinite Solutions – y=12x+2 , y=12x+2