Tag: KendalGoalsA

Carissa’s Goals


By the end of 2022, I will try to get my driver’s license. To achieve this goal, I will search online for different types of cars and ask my parents of their experiences of their driving tests. I will also try to get a job and do chores in order to save money to get one.  If I have any questions about driving I will ask my parents or my cousin who is older than me by 3 years/ 18 years old. If I fail the test, I will ask my teacher, cousin or parents about what I did wrong.


By the end of Quarter 3 I will get an A in Science. I will listen carefully to all of the lessons and take extra notes down (my teacher sometimes gives us a fill-in-the-blank paper). I will study after school each day and make sure that I ask my teacher before leaving the class if I have any questions. Before each quiz (depends if my teacher doesn’t drop a surprise quiz on the day before, because he sometimes does that) I will study at least the day when my teacher mentions the test, I will review the notes that I took and the notes that my teacher gave me to take. If I get anything wrong I will ask my teacher about it or a friend/classmate. I will ask the teacher if I have any trouble with given topics