Collaborative Studio Maintenance Project Final

  1. Studio Maintenance Identification– Identify a section of the clay studio that requires maintenance and take a photo of it. What is the name of the  item, space, product, or tool? What is this item, space, product, or tool used for? What does it look like, versus how it should look like.
  2. Division of Tasks and Process– How will you collaboratively maintain this area? Who will do what? Take process images of the maintenance going on. At least 3 photos of you and your team doing work.
  3. Completion of Maintenance– Once you have maintained an item, space, product, or tool, take completion images. How has the maintenance of this item contributed to the classroom or environment?
Before cleaning
  1. I worked with Hana and Hadia to clean magazine shelves. There were some struggles but we managed to overcome them like there were a lot of objects in the way and some of them were heavy or we didn’t know where to put them. We also found magazines stuffed within the area and a lot of stuff that weren’t supposed to be in the pile. The way that the area was before drastically changed like in the picture and everything got shoved out the way, revealing a shiner, more cleaner spot. This before cleaning looks like someone just shoved the magazines away after using them and looks so bad compared to the end result below.










2. The shelves were a mess and really unorganized. We helped by organizing it and helping people find what they want. Hana and I organized them while Hadia cut the boxes for us to put the magazines and books in. She also helped us at the end with organizing after she cut all of the boxes. These photos above demonstrate us doing the organizing by putting the magazines by their respective brand like with National Geographic.


After cleaning


3. It took awhile but it was worth it. It was too messy for so long and I hated how people just threw them into the cupboard just like that. When you look at the before and after images together, it looks so much better. This helps people find what they want instead of rummaging through the trash and finding an unusable magazine. This also helps when people just want to take out a box and don’t have to take out the magazines that might be in their way. We threw out all of the trash /unusable magazines and there were some valuables inside some of the boxes so we took them out and put them to the side. Overall, I think that we did an awesome job neatly organizing the magazines.