3D Art 12

June 20th, 2022

I am still working on attaching the scales onto the dragon chimera and I am probably going to be done by tomorrow. I will take a picture then. After that I am going to work on the tongue and paint the whole thing after which will probably be done by Wednesday so I am going to spend the last two days on my Inquiry and if I am done on Wednesday, I’ll start working on the Inquiry then.

June 14th, 2022

I managed to mount the dragon and attach the jaw to the neck. The next few days, I will be placing the scales onto the dragon.

June 13th, 2022

I managed to finish the details on the dragon chimera’s head last week. I also managed to mount the neck and attach the head to the neck today but I did not take any pictures of that. I need to finish this by Wednesday so I am going to spend the next two days attaching the fabric and scales of my dragon along with coating it with paint. After the dragon, I will work on my Inquiry assignment.

June 6th, 2022

I made the neck for my dragon last Friday and I am going to work on the structural parts for the jaw for the next three days and then attach the eyes on Friday along with the other details. A success I experienced was getting a perfect height for my neck. I really like how the neck turned out. I did not really experience any struggles while making the paper mache neck for the dragon chimera.

May 30th, 2022

I am still working on the painting of the dragon and might finish the painting on Wednesday so I can move on to the next step by Thursday or Friday. A struggle that I had was finding the right colour to paint the dragon and we had little red paint left to mix with the other colours. A strength/success I experienced while painting my dragon is the same as last week since I did not do much since then.

Update (June 1): Here is the finished painted dragon jaw


May 25th, 2022

I am beginning to paint the fabric and I am still working on the upper part of the mouth. A struggle that I had so far with painting my dragon was finding the right colours to mix and paint onto my dragon. A success was finding that colour. I have not progressed far so I will show a picture of it next week. The dragon’s jaw is starting to turn out and if I finish the painting this week then next week I can move on to the next step.

May 20th, 2022

I was able to finish putting on the fabric for the top jaw of my dragon. Next week I will start on the bottom one and might be done on Tuesday since I have put the fabric around the teeth but still need to put the fabric inside of the lower jaw. Some struggles that I had with the top jaw was the placement of the fabric as I glued it onto the paper mache. I ended up actually gluing it with hot glue but was suppose to dip it in white glue then put it on. A success might be how it turned out since I had a few troubles. After I put the fabric onto the lower jaw, I am going to paint the fabric which is going to be done next week.

May 12th, 2022

I completing in putting the teeth inside the paper mache dragon’s mouth. A little struggle that I had was making sure the teeth were in the right positions and matching each other. A success that I had was gluing the teeth onto the places I wanted them in. I liked how it turned out and tomorrow I will start on the next step.

May 9th, 2022

I was able to cut the paper mache head. A struggle that I experience while doing this task was actually cutting the paper mache because I had a few problems while doing that and it kept ripping the paper. A strength was accomplishing the cutting of the paper mache. This week, I plan to put the teeth into the mouth of the mache dragon.

May 2nd, 2022

I had to redo some of the colours that were not as vibrant as the others and I did not like the green colour from before and repainted it to blue. A struggle that I experienced was painting the green one blue since the green was a mixture between light and dark which appeared on top of the blue. A strength was painting the other teeth perfectly and to my liking. Next week, my goal is to put the teeth into the mouth of the dragon.

April 26th, 2022

I repainted the reconciliation tile to make it have a darker background to match others around it. I forgot to take a picture of the finished product so there is no image for this post.

April 20th, 2022

Reconciliation Art Tile #29

I had to adjust the writing statement on the Reconciliation Art Gallery Page.

April 13th, 2022

Reconciliation Collaborative Tile Assignment

Finished Product with Artist Statement

Reconciliation Art Gallery Page


I really like how my tile turned out in the end and it symbolizes my thoughts really well on reconciliation for indigenous peoples. A strength that I experienced during this project was how the Haida indigenous eagle turned out. Another strength was how the colours for the hands turned out since I mixed some colours together to try to get what I wanted. A struggle that I had during the process was painting the smaller sections of my tile where I would mess up and have to repaint it at times. Overall I really enjoyed this project and learned more ways from the prior presentations about ways to have reconciliation for the indigenous peoples to happen in our community and how it is starting to happen right now.

April 8th, 2022

Reconciliation Collaborative Tile

I am almost done with my tile (#29) for the Reconciliation art piece. Some of the struggles that I experienced during the process were similar to my sketch. I had a bit of trouble painting the small parts. Some of the strengths of this project were finding the colors that I wanted to include in my piece and I really like how my project turned out. I am planning to finish my tile by Monday next week and start my artist statement if I have time on Monday as well.

March 29th, 2022

Reconciliation Collaborative Design 

When I first started designing my part in the collaboration, I first thought of an eagle which was an animal that was seen as a leader in indigenous culture. That gave me an idea of what I wanted to do for my art piece. One of the struggles that I experienced when I first started the design was actually drawing the indigenous drawn eagle because of all of the small details that were included.

March 8th, 2022

Reconciliation Group Presentation Reflection

I learned about how everyone can make a difference with our society to help with child welfare in this country by either donating, volunteering for different organizations, and many other opportunities. We all can rise to a call to action by what we do for the community or what we learn that could be put to use for the Indigenous community to teach others.

March 3rd, 2022

Dragon Chimera teeth 

My teeth for the dragon chimera is coloured and almost finished being painted. I figure that I will be done probably by tomorrow or next week. Some things that I struggled with while painting my teeth were what colours to put on the longer teeth since they would be near the front of the dragon. I succeeded in deciding the colors and the order that I will want the teeth to be once in the mouth of the dragon.

February 18th, 2022

Dragon Chimera eyes

I almost finished my dragon chimera’s eyes. I struggled a bit with what colour I wanted on my eyes so I mixed a colors together to find the color that would look good with the teeth I think I would like to make. The paint on the eyes turned out different than I expected but it’s okay. Success comes from finding the right glass stones for my eyes because the ones I had before were cracked so I had to redo one of them. My overall goal is to finish the eyes.

February 11th, 2022

Dragon Chimera head 

I completed my head for my dragon chimera. Some of the success comes from wrapping to the size that I wanted. I wanted to make a smaller dragon so this size was perfect for me. Some struggles I had with my paper mache head were sometimes layering the newspaper properly and making sure it was thick enough for me to cut in half. I still have to make the neck of the dragon chimera but will do it later so that is my goal for the paper mache part.

February 7th, 2022

Dragon Chimera sketch

My dragon chimera is a mixture between a dragon and a cat. I chose to include a cat in my chimera because it represents how I am both playful and lazy at the same time like a cat. As cat tend to sleep a long time (up to 16 hours a day from what I found online), they are considered lazy to many people but are also playful at the same time.

February 1st, 2022

Vintage Ceramic Figurines - Japan people from around world 4" high 1 1/2 inch w" | Collectors Weekly







Something that I would love to learn to make in 3D Art class would be ceramic figurines because I only made very little in my previous classes of 3D art and would love to make more humanoid figurines since I only learned how to make animal type figurines. I would be okay with making more animal-type figurines that I may have not learned before.