Short Story to Internet-Based Article – Evil Robot Monkey


Smart Chimp Turns Out To Have Robot Brain

Carissa Wong

Sly, a smart monkey was accused of having a robot brain, because of the microchip that was placed into his brain by people researching on Sly.

Robot Chimp

Sly is a smart chimp that is not considered human or chimp. He has been experimented on to match human intelligence, and they placed a microchip into his brain to make him smarter than other monkeys.  Witnesses think that Sly does not like the experiments, because he is always seen glaring at people from inside his pen.  Lots of people assume that he might just not like people at all, but it seems like a whole different story.

There was a small interview with Vern, a friend of Sly.  Vern did not like how people were bullying Sly, so he does him little favors.  He wants Sly to be treated as an equal among chimps like he is. He claims that he knows Sly’s feelings like they were his own.

Scene of the Incident

Witnesses have claimed that they were there when Sly started bullying students that were there for a field trip. They were so surprised that Sly would do such a thing to the children and saw the reaction of the teacher when she saw it.  Other observers, that were there before the children, started banging on the window to Sly’s pen.

“Looked like that little chimp was doing some pottery before the incident” said a group of witnesses.  They interviewed the students and the teacher that Sly got angry at. The students thought that the chimp was funny and that it was a great learning experience for them. The teacher on the other hand was really embarrassed by it and thought that the chimp should be taken away from the lab. She felt that it was an embarrassing experience as well as a frightening experience, A few thought that Sly was probably not good with kids, but most people thought that it was a result of the vase that he made being wrecked by accident as a result of them banging on the window.

Sly’s friend

Vern is Sly’s closest friend that he can connect to. Vern feels what Sly is feeling such as when he got mad at those kids who were making fun of him. During an interview, he says that Sly does not like that he is not fully chimp or human, and that he has the little chip in his head.  It makes him angry and alone. He also said that he wants to support Sly to tell him that he is not alone with this, and that he can feel his pain as well as his hardships.

Other researchers saw as Vern left the clay on the window of the pen as he did wish to take it away from Sly.  That is when the witnesses claim that they felt the bond between Sly and Vern. An unbreakable bond exists between them.

Other things that the researchers claim that they saw the next day:

  • Vern giving Sly more clay to make pots with
  • Sly and Vern talking, and laughing with each other
  • Sly giving a pot that he made to Vern for his birthday

A lot of people thought that Sly was too smart for a chimp.  They were afraid to go near him, because they thought that he might attack them, but they do not see the real side of this proud little monkey.


Analysis of my article

I changed the short story Evil Robot Monkey into an internet-based article.  Narrative is used in the short story while the article uses descriptive writing, and a bit of narrative when telling the story of the event. Even though there is a difference between them, it is not that hard to make it if you know what steps to use.  I thought that it was easy to find a headline that was catchy to my readers to make them get pulled into my work. I also had to reread the short story to find more ideas for sub-headlines that would tell the readers about the story and help them grasp the situation. I read the story a couple of times to get the key parts into my mind.  I had to think of an eye-catching headline, a short descriptive opening paragraph, sub-headlines with paragraphs that tell my audience everything that they need to know, and a closing paragraph that ends off the article well, as well as a bulletin list that states the ideas.  One of the hardest things that I needed to overcome was the sub-headlines because I needed to find sub-headlines that could tell the readers what they were reading, and what the important parts were, which I found challenging. Overall, I learned that it is easier to make an internet-based article if you know the vital steps that are need for writing the article, and that you need to be creative as well.  I also learned that it is not as different as I thought it would be changing the story into the article. When I was writing the article, I thought that it was fun to do, and I think that I transformed the story into an article well.



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