Community Connection Alternate

Community Connections Alternate

Volunteer Opportunity

The Adopt-A-Trail Volunteer Program

In this program, you are assigned a trail every week in Coquitlam and you have to clean up the garbage and keep that area clean and safe for that entire week. This program goes on from April to November and you will be assigned a new trail every week.

This volunteer opportunity could help you with your future because it could make it so that you want to keep the community clean forever. You could possibly grow an emotional attachement to your trails and then you would want to keep them nice forever. Knowing how to keep things clean and tidy are a benefit to your wellbeing.

I would be passionate volunteering for this because I think the world if being polluted and I feel very strongly about climate change and pollution.

Employment Opportunity

Food Counter Attendants, Kitchen Helpers and Related Support Occupations

In this employment opportunity, you help out with cleaning at food counter, you cook and a few other items in relation. The hourly rates range from about $12 – $18.

This could help you with your future because it could help you learn a lot about cleaning and cooking and those are two important things to know how to do as an adult. You would also be paid while doing this employment, and having money can always help with your future.

I would be passionate about this employment because I enjoy cooking and baking items. I have fun doing it and letting my creativity come to life in something you can eat.

Image result for Food counter attendants, kitchen helpers and related support occupations  poco

Image result for Food counter attendants, kitchen helpers and related support occupations  poco

A Fresh Look at the Periodic Table

My periodic table is organized in a few different ways.

The first way is that the non-metals and metals are on different sides of the paper. In the large side of metals, there are thick black lines dividing the elements in which they react with. There’s a group that reacts with water, one with acid and one that doesn’t. There are also two groups that react with both water and acid.

Every little organized group is put together alphabetically to make it easier to find the element that you are looking for when analyzing the periodic table.

As you can see written on the paper, the different colours that some elements are coloured in are the families on the periodic table. There’s the alkali, alkali earth, halogens and noble gases.

  • remake the periodic table in a way that would be helpful to the modern era


  • I wanted the periodic table to be sectioned off with what the elements react to.


  • my plan was to make the periodic table on paper and to somehow incorporate the elemental reactions


  • My periodic table is organized in a few different ways.

    The first way is that the non-metals and metals are on different sides of the paper. In the large side of metals, there are thick black lines dividing the elements in which they react with. There’s a group that reacts with water, one with acid and one that doesn’t. There are also two groups that react with both water and acid.

    Every little organized group is put together alphabetically to make it easier to find the element that you are looking for when analyzing the periodic table.

    As you can see written on the paper, the different colours that some elements are coloured in are the families on the periodic table. There’s the alkali, alkali earth, halogens and noble gases.

    5) DEBRIEF

  • I think I could’ve made it a little more creative. I think I could’ve made it something other than a piece of paper.

Digital Footprint

Cara MacGregor

Digital Footprint

Your personal digital footprints can have large impacts on your life maybe during the present, but most likely the future once you start growing up and starting your adult life.

Your digital footprint can affect your future plans, such as a job opportunity or, potentially, you want to adopt a baby. The adoption agency would search up your name and they could find some not so great things online that you have posted or shared. The people hiring you at a job would do the same thing.

To keep yourself safe, you can keep everything you do private. Only have private accounts and don’t post anything public on social media. You can also monitor who is able to

see what you are doing (social media friends or followers).

The knowledge I would pass on to other students would be that everyone is google-able. Make sure you think about what you are posting and if you will ever regret it.


Les personnes pouvoirs

Dessin 1: Cette femme ici, (si elle a un nom se devrait être Odelia) a de pouvoir parce que elle se marié un homme très vielle, mais riche et quand il est meurt elle obtient tout ses argents et devient très connue et puissante car elle est très riche maintenant. Je ne sais pas pourquoi ca c’est ce qui est venu dans ma tête en classe, mais je pense que c’est vrais qu’elle a beaucoup de pouvoir de son argent.

Dessin 2: J’ai changé a un homme parce que, même si c’est la 21ème siècle, les hommes ont plus de pouvoir et puissant des femmes. Il est quelqu’un avec les politiques et la gouvernement et il est très connue et respectueux de sa. Il est choisirait dans la prochaine election et gagne au lieu de les femmes qui sont en train d’être candidat. Son nom est Donald Trump.

A. Tu peux voir les personnes de perspectives différentes, car tu peux pensé que les personnes qui ont de pouvoir sont très riche et connue par le monde, comme un royal, ou un célébrité, mais quelques personnes voit la pouvoir un peux different. Tous peux avoir de pouvoir juste si tu as des vêtements et un maison parce que il y a des personnes dans le monde qui ça n’a pas même ça, alors tu as plus de pouvoir qu’ils.

B. J’ai de pouvoir parce que j’ai des vêtements beaux, de nourriture bon et un maison. J’ai pas riche du tout, alors j’ai pas de pouvoir la, mais j’ai des choses que des personnes n’a pas.

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