Wonder Project

How was life created and why?


There are many things we will never know about in the universe, one of those being how life was ever created and the reason why.

Essentially, there’s no way of knowing yet. You can make up theories and there’s a large chance that someone has come up with the correct one. Possibly, scientists could one day find a way to truly find out why life was initially created and why we’re still in existence.

As humans, our purpose as a living creature has been decided by our society. There isn’t literally somebody from above telling us what to do and why. Society has formed ideas of what a normal human should achieve to be considered successful ; to have fulfilled their purpose. Though what society calls success makes sense for natural reasons (having children, getting married, having money, etc), how do we know that’s what we’re actually meant to do? These are the things we’ll never know.

There are many theories as to why and how the universe and life was created. One of the theories is that it started with an electric spark. I’m not sure how this theory came to be, but it is quite interesting. Some people believe that in the nothingness, there was a random electric spark that set off the beginning of the universe. There’s no proof and no way to back this theory up, but it could be entirely possible.

Another guess that people have made is that everything came from molecules. Basically, they think that everything started very, very small, and became bigger over time and came together with other molecules and created new things. This is a more realistic theory because it makes the most scientific sense. Similar to how living things start small and grow up over a period of time, this theory that everything starts small agrees with what nature still does now.

Some people involved in religion, such as Christians, Catholics, etc, believe that there is someone watching over them (like a god), and that they were who created life and that they’re who to thank for everything. The possibility of a person being behind the creation of life could be entirely true.

We may never know what really caused life and the reason behind it, but we will always have guesses. Personally, I think it all started from very small molecules and over time became bigger and started forming life.





video: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=video&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwj1ka7AhIrtAhWKs54KHRAcA9UQtwIwAHoECAIQAg&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DxyhZcEY5PCQ&usg=AOvVaw07pdmN8t60F5biHLs01jQC


4 Thoughts.

  1. I do really like the topic, I wish there was a little bit more information and evidence out there. I do really like the topic, though, and its cool to think about where we all came from.

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