Red Dress Day – The Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls of Canada

Red Dress Day, which falls on May 5th, is a day used to commemorate the Indigenous lives that have been taken or have been lost. For this day, we are asked to wear the colour red to honour these lives, along with raising awareness of this problem.

My responsibility for Red Dress Day was to create both a pin and a poster.

These contributions allowed me to share awareness with those around me. Wearing the pin encouraged people to begin a conversation regarding the subject, which in turn taught more people about Red Dress Day. My creations also served as reminders to wear red on May 5th, whereas many people may have forgotten without having viewed my pin or my poster. As for my own learning, researching Red Dress Day expanded my understanding of the day, along with how many people have been effected by the missing or murdered Ini


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