In the Woods

Hemlock looper moth ( lambdina fiscellaria )


The hemlock looper moth is native to North America. They are cream coloured and they have brown lines on their wings so that they can blend into a tree called an oak besma, which is the tree they most commonly live on.


Banana slug ( ariolimax colombianus )

The banana slugs are also North American. They are often different colours and can vary from bright yellow, to a dark brown. The colours change depending of their diets and location as to adjust to the leaves and dirt around them so that they are more hidden.


Wood bugs ( armadillidiam nasatum )

Wood bugs are in many parts of the world such as the United States, Germany, the Netherlands, and here. They mainly like to hangout on large patches of moss on trees. They are a brownish grey colour, which makes them very hard to notice in dirt and on wood. They are also very small so if you want to be able to see one of these guys, you have to look very closely.


Large red slug ( arion rufus )

The large red slug lives all over the place. It doesn’t tend to have one true home place. They like to live in woodland areas, often near large water sources. As you can see in the picture that is shown, it is orange. Through natural selection, this particular slug has become the same colour as the browning leaves. It has also learned that it won’t be seen whilst on these leaves.

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