Digital Footprint

Cara MacGregor

Digital Footprint

Your personal digital footprints can have large impacts on your life maybe during the present, but most likely the future once you start growing up and starting your adult life.

Your digital footprint can affect your future plans, such as a job opportunity or, potentially, you want to adopt a baby. The adoption agency would search up your name and they could find some not so great things online that you have posted or shared. The people hiring you at a job would do the same thing.

To keep yourself safe, you can keep everything you do private. Only have private accounts and don’t post anything public on social media. You can also monitor who is able to

see what you are doing (social media friends or followers).

The knowledge I would pass on to other students would be that everyone is google-able. Make sure you think about what you are posting and if you will ever regret it.

1 Thought.

  1. Thank you for sharing your commentary on how to monitor your online use and how to maintain a credible digital footprint. Below are some observations about your post:

    – You provided adequate details to answer the three questions regarding responsible online use
    – You included appropriate photos or media as instructed
    – Your post is complete

    Thank you,
    Mr. Robinson
    COL Teacher for ADL10
    Riverside Secondary School

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