Week 6 – Perfect Square Trinomials & Solving Quadratic Equations Using Factoring

Perfect squares trinomials 

Perfect squares trinomials have one defining pattern… That’s they are perfect squares.


x^2 + 6x + 9

These are the simplest of equations because of the coefficient being one for x^2. the middle or 2nd term is the sum of two numbers that are the same like, 3. Because in these case, 3+3= 6 which is the middle term. The end or 3rd term is the product of those same numbers that were the product of the 2nd term.


(2nd and 3rd term).

6x + 9 

3+3 = 6 – The 2nd term.

3 x 3 = 9 – The 3rd term.

Solving Quadratic Equations Using Fractions. 

You can recognize that the equation is quadratic if the answer is equal to zero.


x^2 – 36x = 0

(x +6) (x – 6)=0

There are two “x” variables in this equation. So you have to solve for both.

First “X”


x + 6 = 0

    -6  = -6

x = -6

 Second “X”

x – 6 = 0

isolate x 

x – 6 = 0

   +6    +6

x = 6

You can solve to verify.

Verifying for  x = -6

-6^2 – 36 = 0

36 – 36 = 0

Verifying  for x = 6

6^2 – 36 = 0

36 – 36= 0

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