2081 Charter of Rights and Freedoms.



2081 Charter of Rights and Freedoms Paragraph

After reading the short story “Harrison Bergeron,” by Kurt Vonnegut, many recognize the harsh abuse males must go through to achieve a utopian society. There are other options the government could use. Reading and summarizing “Harrison Bergeron,” will give one the ability to see what the nation could become. The citizens in this futuristic society have many torturous handicaps to create equality. One of these handicaps is the “bag of bird shot.” This is a bag of heavy weights which one must wear at all times. Another handicap is wearing a radio blasting earpiece to destroy one’s thoughts. In amendment 212, “Once one is imprisoned, more handicaps are placed. This is to stop the rate of escapes.”  Harrison was able to escape custody as there were not enough handicaps placed on him. Amendment 209 states that “women must squawk when speaking in public to ensure there are no differences in their voices.” They are given the option to speak in their own voice when in private. The government has the right to penalize women. This is to ensure that each female has a relatively similar voice. They are given the right to speak in their own voice when in privacy. The reader may question whether females have to squawk at all times. This question is raised once Hazel (Harrison’s mom) spoke in her own voice in privacy. The amendments are all relevant to the story, and the purposes are clear.

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