Mutation Story-Science

Mutation Story-Evan Syndrome


How is your mutation make your hosts genes irregular? There is actually no sciencefic prove that Evans Syndrome actaully affects any thing to do with chromosomes, nucleus or ribosomes of that single cell. Based on a hypothesis im guessing that the chromosomes might enlarge. Autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome is commonly overlappeed with Evans Syndrome and most humans that have autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome have mutation in the tumor necrosis factor receptor gene superfamily member (TNFRSF6) is commonly called CD95 or Fas.


What causes Evans Syndrome? Evans Syndrome is caused when the human immune system produces natural antibodies that attack the healthy tissue. The antibodies many attack the healthy red blood cells. The antibodies may even attack the platelets and white blood cells. Antibodies are produced by special proteins when foreign substances are in the human blood stream. White blood cells may attempt to destroy the white blood cells and thats when the antibodies put a coat over the diseased cells. When one has Evans syndrome they might have the antibodies start attack the healthy cells and tissue instead of attacking foreign irregular cells. A simple infection could introduce the autoantibodies in Evans Syndrome. A secondary condition can occur with Evans syndrome once they combine and when autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome, lupus, antipholipidsyndrome, Sjorgrens syndrome, lgA defiency, certain lymphoas and chronic lymphocytic leukmia. Thats the causes that Evan syndrome combinated causes secondary Evans syndrome.


How does Evans Syndrome effect the body? Symptoms of low circulating red blood (anemia), often are the common issue, pale skin and sometimes cracking, lightheadedness, shortness of breath, dark coloured urine, and a really fast heartbeart. Some people may experience lows levels of platelets (Thrombocytopenia) causing reddish or purple spots on skin from ruptured. Some may develop yellowing skin mostly the whites of eyes (Jaundice). Lots often feel bad in general (malaise), they may get fevers, sores aroung the mouth specificly mucous membranes of the mouth. Also lymph nodes, spleen and liver are enlarged. After undergoing surgery some if responce isn’t well they could be in life threatening such as sepsis, severe bleeding, cardiovasularlike heart failure


Mutation Story    

I am a single gene living in my hosts body, I am not just any ordinary gene im a mutated gene because my host has Evans Syndrome. My host is constantly having to stay home from school because he has the fever constantly and a bad general feeling. My hosts apperance is quite noticable from their reddish or purple spots and his yellowing yellows, they often space out and feel lightheaded. They often look as they just went for a run because their shortness of breathe. My host is very pale and has very dark coloured urine. My old friends the antibodies are turned against us because they’re confused because they attack me instead. They also attack my hosts healthy tissue and muscles.


What kind of questions were researched? I looked up “Evans Syndrome” and this site name gave me all the information i need.


How did I verify this information? First i looked if the site was a credible site i looked up online reviews and read the bottom description and it gave bunch of university websites and doctors emails


What was the process I used to investigate this topic? I had written down all the information I needed about Evans Syndrome and then make the story because putting the causes and the effects

One thought on “Mutation Story-Science

  1. Thanks for your mutation story. I appreciate how you have successfully shared your mutation in a story format. Adding media definitely helped get your message across. Some thoughts: try asking more questions, using other digital tools, and using multiple sources. Make sure you debrief your process. Other than that, good work!

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