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Desmos Art Functions Card 2023

  1. i figured out what functions to use just mainly by trial and error. once I had a proper understanding of the shapes of each function, and how it would fit on each line it became much easier to copy the image.
  2. Yes, I had quite a few challenges throughout making the images. The main one being the shading and colouring. In the beginning I didn’t understand why the equations based around the x wouldn’t work with the ones based around the y. I eventually figured it out and found an alternative way to do it which was by setting values instead of connecting directly to other functions.
  3. I would say I had a moment where it all clicked in while doing the outlines of the drawing, also another one while getting about halfway through the colouring.
  4. I got help from asking the Pahlevanlu during class about certain parts of the project I was unsure about.
  5. I didn’t really use any strategies, except for doing things in an order. I started with the outline, then the bulb outline, then I did the spots, then the shading lines, and then I coloured it all in at the end.
  6. This assignment helped me understand functions, transformations, and translations much more just through doing them over and over.


Mark  EDUBLOG POST: Process (5 marks)  Score 
5  I clearly described my process, strategies and how I resolved any difficulties I encountered. I correctly Tagged and Categorized my post. I inserted a picture of my desmos post card and the original picture.    
1  My explanation lacks detail and/or I have not described my problem-solving process. The link, desmos picture and/or original picture are missing.  5 
0  I did not complete the Edublog post.   
  Folders (5 marks)   
5  My folders are labelled with parts/objects/letters, and I correctly identified EVERY type of function and relation used.  5 
2  My folders are labelled with body parts and types of functions used. Some functions are not identified or incorrectly identified.    
0  I did not use folders.   
  Image (10 marks)   
10  My drawing resembles the photo I chose   
5  My drawing is starting to look like the photo chosen  10 
1  My drawing is missing or incomplete   
  Aesthetics (10 marks)   
10  Color and shading were used to strategically replicate the picture.   10 
5  A little shading was used.    
1  No thought was put into the use of color or shading   
  Functions & Relations (10 marks)   
10  I used all 10 types of functions/Relations required. Absolute Value, Polynomial, Rational, Radical, Trigonometric, Exponential and Logarithmic, Sideways Parabolas, Semicircles, Ellipses.  10 
x  I used only x of the required types   
  Function notation (30 marks)        
30  I made excellent use of function notation to transform the same function repeatedly    30 
10  I used function notation a few times to transform the same function repeatedly.   
0  I wrote new equations every single time and did not use function notation.   
  Creativity and Complexity of Functions & Relations (30 marks)    
30  My equations show complexity and creativity. I used multiple transformations. (Stretches, Reflections, Translations, Inverses). I made excellent use of domain and/or range restrictions. I combined functions from different units.   30 
15  I used mostly the same type of functions, with some transformations. My functions sometimes overlap because I could not figure out the correct domain and/or range.    
10  My equations lack complexity and creativity.   
  Total mark: 





Socials Core Competencies 9

Socials Essay

How does this essay tie into what I’ve learned before? How has your thinking changed? What caused the change?

Well I haven’t learned much about how to write social studies essays so that is one thing that I’ve learned. I never knew that you aren’t supposed to use words like “you” or “I” because you are supposed to talk supporting the facts. You are also not supposed to say I think because it is pointless considering if you are writing about it then of course you think that. It has also helped with the way I analyze and compare 2 different things because when we had to read about all of the things Louis Riel did we had to come to our own conclusion on whether he had done a rebellion or a resistance. It is teaching us to acknowledge the facts and create our own conclusions unbiased of others opinions.

What strategies do you use to decide whether something you read is true?

There are many ways to determine what your reading is true or not. You should always check multiple resources and do your research. Another important one is use common sense because if stuff isn’t matching up then obviously something is unreliable. Also use websites that your teacher has recommended or ones that you know are legitimate and reliable.