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Victorian Era


Sports were played (swimming, boxing)

We categorized it in the continuity column because we still do play sports everyday just more than  swimming and boxing.


The majority of the population lived below the poverty line, working long hours for little pay.

We categorized it in the change column because nowadays there is a minimum wage so people are working more fairly and they aren’t getting payed. dollar for a days worth of work.

Adaptive Tech Proposition – Cameron Markel

We spoke to a man name Tim and he lives in Nikola Lodge. It surprised me that someone like Tim who has Huntington’s disease would be willing to take time to talk to us about his problems. I am glad that he is giving us the opportunity to help him with his disease. We can’t cure it but what I am hoping some of us could work on is bringing back things he was able to do before he had Huntington’s but can’t do anymore. There were a few of ideas that we had like ways for him to get off of the couch, or a TV remote that is easier to use and wouldn’t need as much dexterity because he loses control with the disease. My favourite idea was some kind of glove that could hold onto things for him and stabilize his hand. The reason I wanted to do this was because while we were calling him he said that he used to paint and showed us some incredible paintings he had done years ago, he said he wishes he could still do it and I would love to help bring that back into his life because I believe it would bring him a lot more joy and meaning to what he does everyday.  I think that anyone in our class could help make a glove if everyone helped and just brainstormed their ideas. I just need to have someone creative enough to think of a way we could cost effectively make a glove for Tim. The steps we would need to take would just be getting a group together and brain storming that taking action on it.  I think that this post is quality because it shows exactly what I want to do for Tim and that’s what was on the criteria. I could have improved on explaining what I want on the glove but I honestly haven’t brainstormed yet. one thing I was thinking was if it has a band that attaches to his wrist so he doesn’t need to try to hold onto the paintbrush. Overall it was a a good experience talking to Tim because he did his best to tell us what it is like for him and the daily things he has problems with.