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Humanities Assignment

Why Humanities are More Important Than People Realize


Why are humanities important in our society today? Lots of people say that studying the humanities are “ultimately a frivolous and fruitless pursuit”- Mandy Pipher. However, the main goal out of studying humanities is much deeper than what the average person views. Due to the esoteric benefits and because of their predetermined internalized opinions on studying humanities most people don’t even understand what it is that they are speaking negatively about. If they do not understand the goal of studying humanities then they will not comprehend the mental benefits and increases in knowledge, due to it being something that is not physically measurable. What you gain out of humanities is a second way of thinking about things using logic reasoning and reading into faint and subtle changes in the way people might be speaking, writing, or body language. It teaches you about the importance of not only reading things from one side of the story and adding your own interpretation to the words that were written or spoken. It is important to watch out for logical fallacies in writing with common ones such as hasty generalizations, slippery slopes, genetic fallacy, and many more. Learning about these are important because they are way more common than most people would imagine. If you were to read or listen to a political article or speech you will be able to identify many logical fallacies being used in hopes of misleading and confusing the reader or listener. They are using these logical fallacies and bad rhetoric in hopes of misinforming people. That is why if everybody had a profound level of knowledge about humanities then the media would not be able to get away with as much misleading content because the misleading information and bad rhetoric could be sifted through, and the remaining information would be the facts which would mean what the media and politicians said could be taken at face value. “Some of the most stubborn fault lines running beneath many of the current, deeply troubling fractures in Western Democratic societies?” – Mandy Pipher. It seems like one way for this quote to be interpreted would be that an internalized belief many have in our society is how humanities are not beneficial but in reality, it’s that mindset that makes many people think they are right about everything and lacking critical thinking skills. If everyone at least accepted the viability of humanities it would show a lot more open mindedness in our society that clearly is not there. I believe if everyone had the ability to critically think, which is something you learn from humanities everything would run smoother in society.

Health 10 Assignment

Health 10 


The newly acquired information I learned during the sex education unit will help me in me in life because it will influence me to make safe decisions that will prevent issues in the present and the future. The part about sexually transmitted infections or STI’s were important because we learned how to prevent lifelong issues and for safety during and after sexual intercourse. Learning about this most likely convinced most students to use proper contraceptives which is very important.

What I`ve Learned About Linear Relations

What is  a linear relation?

A linear equation is a mathematical equation that can be shown in a graph or in a mathematical equation. Linear means that something is following the expected order or sequence, so a linear equation is an equation that follows the same pattern. if the pattern is linear it has to go up the same amount each time, and if it is not linear it can go up different amounts.

Linear Patterns Pack

this pattern is an example of a linear pattern because it started at 5 but now increases by 4 each time.

How do you find a rule for a pattern?

Graph equations with Step-by-Step Math Problem Solver

For this example you can tell that these are linear because they are going up by 40 each time. on the left side of the T chart there is the title t. on the right side there is the title d. How you could get an answer for how much it goes up by each time would be on the 5 on t and 200 on d, if you divided the 200 by the number across from it you would be left with 40. Now you would have to check with the first number as well and you can tell that 40 divided by 1 would be one so this is a linear relation. the way you would display it would be t = 40 because for every t that there is on the left there will be a 40 on the right. if this pattern is bigger what i would do to confirm that it is right is find  in this case what would be the first 3 on the t side and the last, and then divide them by that number you got. in my case that would be 40 and that is how you can be completely sure that it is right.

How can you determine whether a pattern is increasing or decreasing?

the way to determine if the pattern is increasing or decreasing is by looking at the right side of the t chart and from there you can check whether the number is increasing or decreasing.

Finding linear equation from tables | NebulaApps

at first this looks like a decreasing pattern but when you look closer you realize that it is actually increasing because the 1 is paired with a -2 and the 2 is paired with a 1. from seeing that you can tell that the equation is increasing by 3 for each x it goes up by. the mathematical equation for it would be +3x because for every 1x it goes up the other side would be going up 3.

What is a T-Chart and how do you fill it in?

Praxis Core Math: Linear Equation Practice Questions

this t chart is already filled in but if it were blank then you would be given something like this

Graphing Linear Equations Practice - MathBitsNotebook(A1 - CCSS Math)


How to plot a point?

Praxis Core Math: Linear Equation Practice Questions

Graph Paper for High School Math

what we need to plot the points is the graph to plot them on and the T-chart. Lets say we are plotting the first x first. 1 x and 1 y. the coordinates would be (1,1) for this example it would be easy because both of the numbers are the same but when you look at the coordinates the firs number is located on the x and the second number in the coordinates is the y axis. The pattern shown on this t chart would be x=y and since you know that it makes plotting it a lot easier. this is what x=y would look like.

GCSE Maths: Plotting X-Y Graphs


How to graph vertical and horizontal lines?

Practice Exam 2 Key

this one would be vertical. The way you plot a vertical graph would be you find the spot on the x axis you want it to cross which in this case is x=-3. to make a horizontal line it is basically the same except instead of doing x=, it would be y= __.

How do you graph y=2? | Socratic

this is exactly the same as the one before except instead of crossing over the x axis it is crossing over the y line.


x and y axes-

the x and y axes are 2 lines that create the coordinate graphs. the y axis runes upwards and downwards, and the x axis runs left and right.


a t-chart is basically a big T. It has 2 titles and then numbers on both sides. normally the left side will have numbers going up starting at 0 or 1 and the right side has numbers that are equivalent like if x=12, then 2 on the left side would be 24 on the right because that’s 2 x 12.


the coordinates are the numbers that are on the x axis and the y axis. coordinates for 1x 3y would be (1,3) because the x axis goes first than the y.


there are 4 different quadrants, the first one is quadrant 1 which is positive x and positive y. next is quadrant 2 which is negative x and positive y. then quadrant 3 which is negative x negative y, lastly quadrant 4 with positive x negative y.


the origin is the coordinates (0,0) it is the very centre of the graph where the x and y axis connect.


plotting is putting dots on the graph according to the coordinates.

linear pattern-

A linear pattern is when the plotted points on the graph make a pattern. Like if the number goes up the same amount each time

increasing pattern-

an increasing pattern is when in each different figure goes up as you go.

decreasing pattern-

a decreasing pattern is when each different figure goes down as you go.

horizontal line-

a horizontal line is a line that goes through the y axis because it only goes sideways.

vertical line-

a vertical line is a line that goes through the x axis because it goes up and down.

Something Else I learned:

that flipping equations to negative makes it come from the opposite direction.

Screenshot of Initials   

What to do Now

What i got from the video is that it is talking about stopping the usage of certain physical greetings because they are a bad way of spreading disease. I cant deny that what the video said was true but i don’t know if people will actually switch what they do for it. It talked about how people often make drastic short time changes during times of crisis like this pandemic. Although people change their action temporarily i don’t think i could see doing something like an elbow bump taking over the handshake anytime soon. The only way i could see is maybe if COVID-19 goes on for many more months and it doesn’t show signs of getting better because then people would have to make changes to their social distancing. I just don’t see it sticking with people.

What I Have Learned about Grade 9 Inequalities

What is an inequality?

An inequality is 2 numbers in an equation separated by up to 6 different signs the first sign is less than, the second sign is greater than, the third sign is less than or equal to, the fourth one is greater than or equal to, and the last two are equal to and, not equal to. Lets say that the equation is x < 11. That would mean that x could be anything less than 11. So it could be 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 ,1 ,0, and anything into the negatives as well.

What do the symbols mean?

with greater than and less then ( >, < ) the way that the symbol is pointing always points towards the smaller number. An example for that would be 7 > 6 because 7 is greater than 6. The next is equal to or less than, and equal to or equal than. That works the exact same except for the number could be the same or anything greater or less. If the questions was x is less than or equal to 7 then the answer would be 7 and anything below. The last two are equal to and, not equal to. Equal to is what you would do for the kindergarten classes like 1 + 1 = 2 because it is a true statement. The other one is not equal to which is the equals sign with a line through it and it would be the exact opposite of the normal equals. for example 1 + 1 ≠ 3 because 1 + 1 does not equal 3.Inequality Definition (Illustrated Mathematics Dictionary)

How to solve an inequality?

You solve an inequality basically the exact way that you would have done a linear equation. the number 1 strategy to solving these is using legal moves. that means that whatever you do to one side of the equation, you have to do the exact same thing to the other side. The whole goal is to end up where you have isolated the variable on one side and the number on the other.  An example question will be, 2x -5  \geq 1x + 7. What you would do is start off with a legal move like removing 1x from each side so we are left with x – 5  \geq +7. The next step would be to add 5 so it zero pairs the -5. That will leave you with x  \geq 12. That means that x is greater than or equal to 12 so the answer could be  12 and up. However, when you are dividing by a negative you need to flip the greater than/less than sign. Let say the question is -3x < 12, after divided you are left with x < -4, but since it is a negative you flip the sign and your answer becomes x > – 4.


How do we graph inequalities?

When you  graph inequalities you have to use the greater than and less than  signs as a dot with a hollow inside. The hollow dot represents that the equation is not a less than or equal to, or more than or equal to. Because of that when you are graphing it you draw a blank circle of the number that x is greater than or less than. Then according to which one it is you draw a line towards the lesser side or the greater side. When you do it with greater than or equal to, and greater than or less than you do it the same way except you do a circle that isn’t hollow and the same thing with the line. This way means it could also be equal to.

How to check a solution

There is more than one way to check a solution. The equation i picked to test is 2x -5  \geq 1x + 7. to get to the answer the first thing i would do is make zero pairs by removing 1x and adding 5. Now you are left with x  \geq 12. the way we check the answer is by putting a number that in this case is greater than or equal to 12. If it is a true statement then you know that the answer is correct. Another way is by reversing what you did and trying to get to the question you started with but you can only use legal moves. If you do only legal moves than it will be right. For example x  \geq 12, to get back to what we started at we subtract 5. that makes it x -5  \geq 7, next we add 1x and it leaves us with the starting question of 2x -5  \geq 1x + 7



What I`ve Learned About Grade 9 Solving Equations

What is an Equation?

An equation is a statement that shows 2 sides of equal equations and are divided by an equals sign. The purpose of these questions is you want to use legal sequences (which is when you add, subtract, divide, or multiply from both sides equally) and you deduct down to where the variable is isolated and one side has the variable and the other has just the numbers.

How to Write Equations & Formulas - Video & Lesson Transcript ...

What are equivalent equations?

Equivalent equations are algebraic equations that has numbers and letters for the variable. When you solve equivalent equations you have to do the exact same thing to both sides until you have isolated the variable. When you solve an equivalent equation every legal move that you do is equivalent to the last one because the only difference between the 2 is adding or subtracting the same number. It can be put back to the original equation using only legal moves

How to solve equations?

What you do to solve the equations is remember that they are split in 2 by the equals sign and then you do legal equations equally to both sides. For example if you added 6 to one side then you would also have to do it to the other side. The whole goal is to this until you have isolated the variable and then you can figure it out using math we have previously learned. Lets say that the question is 4x + 7 = 2x + 12. The first move I would do would be remove 2x and get a zero pair. That would leave me with 2x + 7 = 12, This equation is equivalent with the starting equation because i used legal moves to get to this point. Next up I would remove 7 and then what i am left with is 2x = 5. simplifying it down to x = 2.5 is still an equivalent equation to starting equation.

How to verify.

verifying the number is very similar to how you solve it. You put the number you came up with as your answer in the spot that was the variable before. Then you do the exact same legal addition or subtraction until you get back to the same question you started with. If you cant get to the question you started with using only legal moves you did it wrong but if it the same you have done it right


Equation- an equation is when there are 2 different sets of numbers and they are divided by an equal sign.

Equivalent- Equivalent means that the 2 things are the same. Equivalent equations which is what we are doing can appear different but if you added for example 4 to each side they would still be equivalent equations because it can be reversed with legal moves.

Solution- A solution is the answer to the question. An example would be 3x = 9 the solution would be 3.

Coefficient- a coefficient is the number before the variable displayed. It lets the person know how many of the variable there are.

Zero pairs- zero pairs are made when you add a legal move to the equation and it makes it zero. An example would be 4x + 2 = 11 how you would make a zero pair by subtracting 2 on both sides. it would become a zero pair because you subtract 2 from a positive 2 leaving you with zero. That would leave it as 4x = 9. Zero pairs are crucial for finding the answers to linear equations.

Variable- a variable is what the x is in linear equations. it can be done with any letter but it is representing the unknown. The whole point of the linear equations questions is to solve how much 1 of the variable is worth.

Constant- The constant is a number in the equation that does not have a variable attached. Constants are worth whatever they say they are even when the answer is completed.

Common Denominator- The common denominator is when you have 2 fractions that have the same denominator. It is important because it makes it so you can easily add subtract or divide fractions.  The way you can make a common denominator when they are different is you have to find the lowest common multiple. Lets say your denominators are a 6 and a 7. The lowest common denominator is 42. Then what you do is multiply the numerator by the amount of times you multiplied the denominator and then they are equal.

Distribute- distributing is when there is a number in front of a bracket so you multiply each thing in the bracket by the number outside of the bracket separately and then the number on the outside disappears.

Rube Goldberg Machine Reflection

  1. Things that went well: 

I am glad that the project worked so one thing that went well was the candle did get put out. 

2. Problems that occurred along the process: 

During our testing we didn’t have the whole project connected in 1 piece so it would take some assembling and sometimes it would fall off the table. 

3. Things that you`d do differently next time 

I would assemble the whole thing as 1 so there is a lot less chance required in getting it to work. I would also make all the ramps and other simple machines closer together and glue it so it would work more then 33 percent of the time. 

4. Testing results: it worked 33% of the time in the test but previously when we were testing it was higher than that. 

How Do Cells Multiply – Cameron Markel

Sexual and Asexual Reproduction

Sexual and Asexual reproduction both are attempting to accomplish the same thing but they are just doing it in different ways

Sexual Reproduction is the creation of an offspring by fusion of males sperm and a females egg. With sexual reproduction it wont create an exact copy because it is taking the DNA from both parent cells. Doing it this way you can have immunity to diseases that would have affected your ancestors.

Asexual reproduction is creating an offspring but without the fusion a males sperm and a females egg. It is just one of the parents offspring`s and there is no fusion of gametes. The offspring is basically cloned because everything about it is the exact same. The number of chromosomes almost never changes with asexual reproduction. A big downside to asexual reproduction is the fact that when the offspring is made, it is susceptible the all of the same diseases as the parent cell, so they are more likely to get damaged by one type of bacteria or sickness. It is susceptible to the same diseases because they don`t evolve at all, they are just complete copies that never change 


What are the differences between mitosis and meiosis?

Mitosis produces two daughter cells with the same amount of chromosomes as the parent cell. Meiosis on the other hand produces 4 daughter cells that only contain half of the parent cells. Mitosis is done by 2 parent cells and Meiosis is done independently. Image result for how many steps does mitosis have With mitosis the cell evolves and is never identical to either parent cell since it is a mix of both of their DNA.  Meiosis is a complete replica of the parent cell so it never changes and will never evolve or develop resistance to certain illnesses or diseases that the parent cell wasn’t resistant to either. Meiosis has more steps than mitosis because it has 8 different steps and mitosis only has 5.


First thing is Interphase, it is when DNA is duplicated and spindle fibers are formed. The next step is prophase, it is when the chromatids pair up. Next is Metaphase and it is when the chromosomes line up on the equator of the cell. The next and final stage for mitosis is telophase, it forms 2 new nuclear membranes and separates the center of the cell creating an identical new wall and splitting the cell into 2 different cells and ending the process.




TOKTW 2019

Part 1 – The Interview

What is your job title?

Vice President of RCAP Leasing ( Division Of RBC)

What is your job description?

Manages staff, in-charge of day to day operations, sales.

What are the duties and tasks you perform at your job?

keeping your sales team on track, solve problems within workplace and give some of his employees the connections for getting sales done.

What qualifications do you need for this job in the following areas?

a) Training?

No training is needed, however a strong business background and being smart with money and good with math is crucial, good with people

b) Education?

technically no specific prerequisites

c) Experience?

Lots of experience in leasing experience, managing people, and doing sales in general

d) Skills and Attributes

multitasker, math, problem solving, communication, time management

What are some things that you like about this job?

The amount of money made would be nice and the work hours are flexible as long as the job gets done.

What are some things that you dislike about this job?

I personally do not like working in closed in space all day so I did not like the office space. The commute is quite bad because it is in Vancouver. The travel is inconvenient because he ends up going away 1 – 2 weeks a month to go to the head office in Toronto.

How do you anticipate this job changing over the next 5 years?

not a whole lot. There are lots of things that can be automated in the future but this does not seem like one of those things. It has lots of different things that need to be done and I don’t think there is a easy way to get it done automatically.

Student Reflections:

overall I really enjoyed the day. I love the flexibility of the hours and I really do think that I learned a bunch of useful information. However, I do not see a job like this being in my future because sitting in an office is one thing that I found very difficult since I can’t sit still.

Give 3 reasons why you would like this job:

  1. it is in the middle of downtown Vancouver so their would always be something I could do when I take my lunch break because of all of the different restaurants down there
  2. I don’t know how long it would last but I feel like it would be fun to build up a positive relationship with the other employees on your floor.
  3. The amount of freedom within the job. When you go into work there is no set time of when you leave and when you get there. As long as the work gets done it is all that you need. Unless you have a meeting at the office. If it was me I would try to get as much work done at home and only go in on the days that I have meetings so I minimize the commute time overall.


Give 3 reasons why you would not like this job:

  1. The commute is pretty terrible some days. Every day it takes at least an hour to get into work and an hour to get back. The way I see that commute time is its time that you are spending just to get to work that you aren’t getting payed for.

2. I start to feel sick. When we sit up in an office with not much airflow all day my head started to hurt and I started feeling a bit sick.

3. It seems to be very stressful. You have to be good with the way you talk to people and you have to be able to motivate other people to get their work done and done properly


Is this job for you? why or why not?

as where I am right now I would not say that this is a job for me. I had quite a bit of trouble staying up in the office all day because I really just wanted to get moving around and get some fresh air. Another thing about this job is you need to be really good at talking to other people and things can change but as it is right now I’m not very good at that either.



Adaptive Technology Final Post

We decided to make a writing guide for Tim because we remembered that he said he used to be an artist and showed us an incredible painting so we thought about how we could help with the artistic aspect of his life. Since someone else did the pencil holder we decided we could make something that would help with that too so we made him something for writing.

We did make connections but unfortunately not for the writing guide. Prior to the writing guide we were going to make Tim a TV remote so we contacted Jack`s cousin. We ended up getting rid of the TV remote idea because there were a lot of skills needed that we didn’t have and if we were to learn starting with a TV remote would be quite difficult.

We attempted to create a remote on TinkerCad but it was not going to work so we switched up our idea to a different one which was the writing guide. We ended up finding a writing guide after looking at many things and getting printed on the 3D printer.

I learned how to find a project on TinkerCad and get it 3D printed.

An example of us using that skill would be when we made our writing guide for Tim. We would not have made that project if we did not learn what we did about TinkerCad and 3D printing

If the learning goal is the Rubric that we made ourselves then I think that we met it in some categories such as the effectiveness of our project and the overall design. In ways we could have improved I would definitely say trying to reach a connection that we could have talked to for the second project and not just the remote.

The collaboration went quite well. The only thing I would have changed is us connecting and doing some work over the break but overall it was good.

Like I said previously I think we did a good job on the design and overall usefulness and effectiveness of our project. The changes I would have made would be the amount of connections made and I wish we found a way to incorporate more progress photos, the reason we didn’t was we forgot to take pictures of the item while it was printing.

Working with Tim and Nicola was a great experience for us. I know that it would have been nice for us to have gotten the TV remote and I wish we did looking back at it but at the end of the day I’m glad we got something that could even slightly give Tim a little bit of that independence he used to have back to him. I would definitely want to do a project like this in the future but next time be more on top of things from the get go and see how much better the ending result could be.


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