Category Archives: PE 9

Community Connections

I interviewed Chris Guerreiro.

I chose to interview him because i really enjoy soccer and he plays soccer for SFU. I contacted him through Instagram direct message and the responses are all what he said word for word.

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I learned from the interview that you have to make sacrifices to do the things you enjoy but if really enjoy it then to go for your goals. It connects me to my passion and interests because he is playing soccer for SFU and trying to transition to higher levels of soccer.

Question 1: Why are you passionate about your job?

“I’m passionate about my job because it is something I truly like and enjoy doing”

Image result for chris guerriero SFU

Question 2: What obstacles have you faced to get to where you are today?

“Obstacles I’ve had to face to get where I am is sacrificing some of my social time to practice and work on the things i that need improving.  As well as adversity from people that didnt think I could get to where I am today

Question 3: What advice would you pass on to someone interested in what you are doing?

“Advice i would give to someone is always be confident and believe you’re able to get to a certain level. As well as don’t try to cut any corners, do the hard work on the field when people aren’t watching and the results will show”

Chris Guerreiro

Question 4: What are your goals in the future and do they involve soccer?

“My goals for the future is to maintain being healthy as i have been struggling with injuries for a couple of years now. As well as trying to elevate my game so I can go even further.”

Question 5: What inspires you to play?

“Things that inspire me to play are my passion for the game, seeing pros live and the awesome life I desire to have”

Question 6: Would you be open to further contact from Riverside students and if so, how can someone contact you?

“no thank you, I appreciate it though”

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