Explore the Field – Cameron Markel

What would a good way to help someone with Huntington’s disease be?

What is huntingtons disease?


Huntington’s disease is a disease that you typically can get between your 30s and 40s. Huntington’s highly affects the basic things you would want to do in life because it takes away lots of your coordination, makes you have random times where you jerk or twitch, trouble swallowing walking, and speaking. It also affects your ability to think reasonably and causes you trouble with learning new information. The average amount of time lived for a person who has been diagnosed with Huntington’s disease is anywhere from 15 to 20 after the you have gotten the disease.

What our group wanted to do to help Tim with Huntington’s was make a TV remote with bigger buttons so he can press them and he will have more independence and his daughter wouldn’t need to help him with watching TV. The only buttons we would include would be essential ones such as a power button, channel switching buttons, volume, and so on.

Here are some of the questions I tried to answer

What are the effects of Huntington’s, What are difficulties people with huntingtons have to go through.

My favourite part of this project was using the 3D printer.

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