Socials Core Competencies 9

Socials Essay

How does this essay tie into what I’ve learned before? How has your thinking changed? What caused the change?

Well I haven’t learned much about how to write social studies essays so that is one thing that I’ve learned. I never knew that you aren’t supposed to use words like “you” or “I” because you are supposed to talk supporting the facts. You are also not supposed to say I think because it is pointless considering if you are writing about it then of course you think that. It has also helped with the way I analyze and compare 2 different things because when we had to read about all of the things Louis Riel did we had to come to our own conclusion on whether he had done a rebellion or a resistance. It is teaching us to acknowledge the facts and create our own conclusions unbiased of others opinions.

What strategies do you use to decide whether something you read is true?

There are many ways to determine what your reading is true or not. You should always check multiple resources and do your research. Another important one is use common sense because if stuff isn’t matching up then obviously something is unreliable. Also use websites that your teacher has recommended or ones that you know are legitimate and reliable.



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