What I learned about grade 9 Fractions
Fractions on number lines: I learned how to put fractions on a number line by determining how close to a whole number the fraction was and then you can decide if it places directly on a whole number or it you have to estimate where it fits in-between. One thing you always have to remember is that the number line doesn’t just go to 0, it goes into the negative numbers too.
Comparing Fractions: For comparing fractions it can either be very simple or a bit complicated. it is very simple when the 2 denominators on both fractions are the same because then all you have to do is look and make sure there aren’t negatives or if there are then take them into account for which number is the biggest or whatever it is you are trying to figure out. When the denominators do not math then you need to find the LCD or Lowest Common Denominator. What you do is find multiples of both of the denominators and whatever times you have to do to get to the ones that are equal you also times the numerator by that. Once you have done that you can either look at it and compare the numbers, or if you are able to you can reduce and then do the comparing.
Adding and Subtracting Fractions: Whenever you are adding or subtracting fractions you always have to watch for if the number is negative or positive because that can control whether the answer is right or wrong. For me adding and subtracting fractions I can only do it if the denominator is the same so you do the same thing as comparing and find the LCD. Once you find the LCD you multiply the numerators the amount that you mulitplied the denominator. Then you will be left with numbers that are easy to subtract off of or add to. Another way you can figure out the positive and negative questions is by putting them on a number line and adding up all of the negatives and all of the positives then from there you can calculate the answer.Multiplying and Diving Fractions: Whenever I multiply or divide fractions I always use a strategy. Whenever I am dividing you don’t need to start with a Common Denominator. Since the bottom doesn’t need to be the same one thing that I do is switch it to a multiply. What you do is on the second number you flip the denominator to where the numerator is (that’s called the reciprocal). Once you do that you switch the sign from a division sign to a multiplication sign. From here it is the exact same as multiplying the fraction
One other thing I have learned: Telling what is a negative and positive. The way I remember if something is negative or positive is if there is 2 + or – signs beside each other then I know that the number will be positive. if there is a – and + or a + and a – then I know that the number is negative.
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