Original paragraph
New media is a term applied to communication mediums (media) that is interactive, highly accessible, and features two-way communication as opposed to the one-way communication seen in television, as an example. It can come in the form of visual and auditory communication. Consumption of media is fragmented between digital devices based on their convenience and availability. It may be easier to read the news on a tablet, but listen to it while working for example. Television and video games would be easier to consume on large screens at home rather than on the move with a small device, as another instance. The healthier ways to consume media would be to limit the time spent on certain kinds of media, while shutting out particularly toxic media (such as ideological falsehoods). More time should be allocated to media based on how interactive (ie: texting instead of YouTube) or mind-enriching it is (ie: scientific journals instead of video games, video games instead of television), and traditional media such as books or in-person chats should take up the rest of the time.
Modified paragraph
New media is a term applied to communication media that are interactive, highly accessible, and feature two-way communication as opposed to one-way communication as seen in television and most radio. It can come in the form of visual and auditory communication. Consumption of new media is fragmented between digital devices based on their convenience and availability. It may be easier to read the news on a tablet, but listen to it while working. Television and video games would be easier to consume on large screens at home rather than on the move with a small device. The healthier ways to consume media would be to limit the time spent on certain kinds of media, while shutting out particularly toxic media such as ideological falsehoods (ie: InfoWars). More time should be allocated to media based on how interactive or mind-enriching it is. For example, it would be better to watch more Netflix than CNN news, as, “you’re more in control of that experience…So Netflix is more chosen than a broadcast stream or social media” (Yakob 2018). Traditional media such as books are much healthier and should take up the rest of the time, because they “don’t tell you what to think [as much of new media does]” (Yakob 2018). In other words, traditional media’s one-way communication requires more thinking on the consumer’s part.
Thank you for your excellent blog post discussing the topic of “New Media.” I have read your response and have the following feedback for you.
– You outline what “New Media” is and you highlight several valid examples to illustrate your understanding
– You show how media usage/consumption is fragmented and how we use different hardware and software for different purposes
– You clearly outline ways to consume media in a healthier manner.
Thank you,
Mr. Barazzuol
English Teacher
Thank you for taking the time to revise your “New Media Explained” paragraph using formal writing techniques and quotation integration. Looks like a solid paragraph!
Mr. Barazzuol
English Teacher