Where Im from

I am from games

From puzzles and strategy

I am from the University of British Columbia, where I was raised

Kind fun and supportive

I am from the grassy fields which seemed to go on forever

I’m from kindness and community

From my Nana and my Papa

I’m from the Love they give

I’m from aspirations and dreams

I’m from Ireland, from Scotland, and from Wales

From the times I fell out of trees

to the time my parents got divorced

but most of all I am from earth and the human race.

The Human Condition – Calum

The movie, The Wolf of Wall Street, follows a man named Jordan Belfort who is a greedy, selfish, but at the same time selfless man. Jordan Belfort started his own stock broke firm off penny stocks or pink sheets. He sold these instead of blue chip stocks because the commission was 50% on penny stocks as opposed to 1% on blue chip stocks. This doesn’t seem too bad until you realize that these stocks were complete garbage showing the greed of the people selling them. Not all people are manipulative and greedy, but it does show that it’s not out of our nature to put others down for our own good. Manipulated and extorting people for their money is a horrible thing to do to someone but no matter what you think you would never do, money is a huge incentive for anyone. Even with these bad things, Jordan Belfort was an incredible leader and employer because he would let people basically take as much money as they wanted for anything on top of their salary if their ideas were to his liking. Using this strategy Jordan was able to keep his employees productive although his strategies for motivation were not ethical, like throwing midgets against targets like they’re darts, he kept his employees in good spirits while at work. Of course not all people are like Jordan but this could definitely define a huge chunk of our population when faced with the opportunities Jordan had, a lot of people are greedy, selfish, but even so, they care about those close to them and will do many things to make them feel welcome and appreciated.