Web Development – Creative core competency
Apps used: Illustrator was used to create Graphics and logos Visual studio code was using for coding the backend of the website
Apps used: Illustrator was used to create Graphics and logos Visual studio code was using for coding the backend of the website
My goal is to improve my pronunciation, and improve my Spanish accent. As well as improving my listening since that it probably that biggest area i think i struggle in. For my artifact which is the Spanish presentation, it demonstrated my growth and strength in the communication competency. I grew by learning how to pronounce new words in Spanish, Aswell as being able to present in a different language. To develop my communication in the Spanish language, I am going to try and improve my pronunciation of words and the way i say them.
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My goal is to improve my spoken Spanish so i understand when i travel My presentation represents my strength in communication competency. I showed my ability to acquire and interpret information by collecting information and images to figure out stuff like flights, cost and information about locations and activities. I also had to connect and engage with others to know what slides and information I needed to do. https://www.canva.com/design/DAF-8Xh37xQ/S_cKTf6i1gczccXS873BWA/view?utm_content=DAF-8Xh37xQ&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=editor
Core Competencies Self-Assessment (DESCRIBE OR DRAW) My goal is Communication and more specifically presenting information. A lot of projects I did when it was focused on purely presenting information I could have done better. I’m going to work on it by trying to add as much information as possible for future projects and assignments.
Core Competencies Self-Assessment (PROCESS)