Socials 10 Self assessment

Core Competencies Self-Assessment (DESCRIBE OR DRAW) My goal is Communication and more specifically presenting information. A lot of projects I did when it was focused on purely presenting information I could have done better. I’m going to work on it by trying to add as much information as possible for future projects and assignments.

Rude Goldberg

Name: Water pourer machine purpose: Dump water in bowl Video: Car with wheel and axel goes down an inclined slope, through a tube. It will then knock over dominos that will then push over a ball which goes down a pulley, the ball when at the bottom will then hit and turn on a micro-bit then go down another inclined slope pushing water into a bowl. Energy transfers: Potential elastic to mechanical: letting go of elastic letting car go down ramp Mechanical to gravity: Ball going down pully Mechanical to electricity: The ball hits the microbit  Energy types: Gravity, … Continue reading Rude Goldberg