Web Development – Creative core competency
Apps used: Illustrator was used to create Graphics and logos Visual studio code was using for coding the backend of the website
Apps used: Illustrator was used to create Graphics and logos Visual studio code was using for coding the backend of the website
My goal is to improve my pronunciation, and improve my Spanish accent. As well as improving my listening since that it probably that biggest area i think i struggle in. For my artifact which is the Spanish presentation, it demonstrated my growth and strength in the communication competency. I grew by learning how to pronounce new words in Spanish, Aswell as being able to present in a different language. To develop my communication in the Spanish language, I am going to try and improve my pronunciation of words and the way i say them.
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My goal is to improve my spoken Spanish so i understand when i travel My presentation represents my strength in communication competency. I showed my ability to acquire and interpret information by collecting information and images to figure out stuff like flights, cost and information about locations and activities. I also had to connect and engage with others to know what slides and information I needed to do. https://www.canva.com/design/DAF-8Xh37xQ/S_cKTf6i1gczccXS873BWA/view?utm_content=DAF-8Xh37xQ&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=editor
Core Competencies Self-Assessment (DESCRIBE OR DRAW) My goal is Communication and more specifically presenting information. A lot of projects I did when it was focused on purely presenting information I could have done better. I’m going to work on it by trying to add as much information as possible for future projects and assignments.
Core Competencies Self-Assessment (PROCESS)
Name: Water pourer machine purpose: Dump water in bowl Video: https://youtu.be/9rqY9r2-1DM Car with wheel and axel goes down an inclined slope, through a tube. It will then knock over dominos that will then push over a ball which goes down a pulley, the ball when at the bottom will then hit and turn on a micro-bit then go down another inclined slope pushing water into a bowl. Energy transfers: Potential elastic to mechanical: letting go of elastic letting car go down ramp Mechanical to gravity: Ball going down pully Mechanical to electricity: The ball hits the microbit Energy types: Gravity, … Continue reading Rude Goldberg
The hypothesis was correct, compared to the 2 other designs, the slimmer design went way farther then the others. The skinny and long design went around 4m farther then the other4 designs. Proving that the skinnier design is better for long distances. How ever in a more open area it might be different since the bigger designs would fly up before going forward so a more open area would change the results. Next time we would try to more precise with the folding and tape the plane’s so they wont open up mid flight. It could also be improved by doing … Continue reading Paper planes experiment
In the image is see a group of men taking a part a boat to build their own boats. Because they are taking a part the big boat, they are sabotaging each other instead of working together to build the bigger boat. I feel like It kind of represents greed since everyone wants their own boat instead of sharing. This is connected to the world since a lot people are greedy and want everything for themselves, and they will do anything to get what they want .I think the image is trying to say that instead of bringing others down … Continue reading HCE 9 – English Write