Understanding Neuron communication involves both the knowledge upon Neuron structure as well as what synopsis is, and how it works.
Neuron structure
Most neurons are structured in the same, or similar way, but in this example I will be using a motor neuron

A motor Neuron consists of six key components
The function of the Axon is to carry the electrochemical impulses throughout the neuron, in means to communicate to the other parts of the body.
Axon terminal
The function of the Axon terminal is to take the electrochemical impulse, and transfer the information to another Neuron, or to it’s final destination.
The purpose of a Dendrite is to receive electrochemical impulses and data from other Neuron’s. Note that not all Neurons have the same amount of dendrites.
Soma (Cell Body)
The purpose of the cell body is to produce all the proteins, nutrients, and cells for every other part of the neuron need to function. Without the Soma, the Neuron is useless.
The function of the Nucleus on a Neuron is to be the reservoir of the biological instructions needed to conduct a Neuron. The Nucleus is surrounded by the Soma.
Myelin sheath
The purpose of Myelin Sheath within a Neuron is to allow the electrochemical impulses to travel through the body quickly and efficiently.
Shwan Cells
The function of Shwan cells is to play the vital role in keeping maintenance within the Neuron. The Shwan Cell is comparable to toilet paper, as it is thin, and it wraps around the axon.
Neuron Function
Neuron Function represents how the electrochemical impulse travels throughout the Neuron. There are five general stages.
- Resting, Polarized Membrane
This is also known as Resting Potential. This is when there are exclusively negative ions within the axon, which give the Neuron an overall negative charge, which is -70mV. This stage is called the Resting Potential period because the Neuron is at a resting steady state, and the Neuron has the potential to go to action.
2. Depolarization
Depolarization is the start of the Neuron Function. This is when an incoming message stimulates a section of the axon. After this channels in the membrane open, allowing Na+ to flow into the axon, causing the voltage to increase to +30mV.
3. Repolarization
Repolarization is when new channels open causing the K+ to exit the axon. Since the positive chemicals exited the axon, the overall voltage drops back to -70mV, but Repolarization causes the next section of the axon to begin Depolarization.
4. Refractory Period
The Refractory Period is when the remaining Na+ remains inside the axon, and it cannot go through the Neuron Function again because the voltage must be at a resting potential. The Refractory Period pushes the Na+ to the outside of the membrane while attracting the K+ back inside towards the starting position.
5. Flow of Depolarization
The Flow of Depolarization prompts the Repolarization to cause Depolarization in the next session, while the Refractory Period causes the electrochemical impulse to travel forward.
Synapse Structure
Before beginning the next section regarding the Synapse Structure, we must know the meaning of Synapse which is junction between two
nerve cells where a signal is sent from axon to dendrite.

The photo above displays the Synapse Structure along with labels, which also explains that the structure is simply a zoomed in version of the connection between an axon terminal and a dendrite.
Here is an explanation for each of the seven labels
- Action Potential
The Action Potential within the model represents the entire electrochemical impulse, which contains the neurotransmitters which is the ultimate reason why Synapse is happening.
2. Sending Neuron
The Sending Neuron in the diagram represents the Neuron which is being sent down the axon terminal.
3. Vesicle Containing Neurotransmitter
The Vesicles Containing Neurotransmitters represent what is holding the electrochemical impulse, which connect to the Receptor Sites where the Dendrite connects with the axon terminal.
4. Synaptic Gap
This is a small gap between the axon terminal and the Dendrite. It is important to know that the axon terminal and the dendrite don’t touch during Synapsis, with the Synaptic Gap being the main representative.
5. Receptor Sites
The Receptor Sites job is to catch the Neurotransmitters and send them into the Dendrite in which it is passing them on to.
6. Neurotransmitter
The Neurotransmitter is the electrochemical impulse which is being carried throughout the Neuron, in which it’s job is to move across the Axon and Axon Terminal correctly so that it may reach the Receptor Site of the desired Dendrite.
7. Axon Terminal
The Axon Terminal is the whole miniature project which runs the Synapsis, where it’s job is to successfully connect to the desired Dendrite and transfer the Neurotransmitters in which it is carrying
Synapse Function
The ultimate function of the Synapse is to transfer the Neurotransmitter to the next Dendrite, but it is much more complicated than that.
Here is some information upon Synapse Function
In the axon terminal bulb, what happens?
NT, or neurotransmitter, is generated
Synaptic vesicles contain NT.
NT components are repurposed.
How is the signal transmitted?
The action potential (AP) descends and arrives to the axon terminal bulb.
Synaptic vesicles travel to the presynaptic membrane due to AP, whereupon they release NT into the synaptic gap.
By diffusing through the opening, NT attaches itself to the receiving neuron’s postsynaptic membrane receptors.
When the NT attaches itself to the receptor, what happens?
An NT message is either obtained either stimulating or inhibiting
Excitatory: causes AP stimulation after obtaining a neuron
An AP is repressed by an inhibitory after obtaining a neuron
Will an AP be produced by the receiving neuron?
Indeed, excitation signals outweigh inhibition signals.
No, excitatory do not outweigh inhibitory signals
What becomes of the remaining NT?
The gap in synapses has an NT recycler
Connects to NT
Dissects it
Returns the components to Axon terminal light source