Midterm self assessment paragraph
Pillar 4 – personal responsibility – goal setting assignment
My current strengths within this pillar. Firstly, I have strength with attending class on time and prepared, and I only ever miss class if I am sick or another emergency has occurred, but hence these things I am always on time and prepared to do what we need to do in class. For consistently completing assignments, I have to say I do, with only exceptions from times which I have worked with peers who have had a hard time fitting the completion of the assignment. I do try and show my steps when I do complete my work, and I mark properly and use my practice quizzes and assignments as tools. For making use of class time, I am on task for most of the time, with a rare break to listen to music or talk to a classmate. I try to keep my phone in my bag, but sometimes I use it, but I am learning to develop the skill of not using it at all. I do in fact ask questions when I need to. I am very responsible with my drives in this class, and I am motivated to do well in this class as well. In regards of future growth, I feel as if I could come to class with a set out outline for notes and what to expect and making sure I dedicate 100% of my class time to work and effort into my work and studying as well as eliminating my phone from my working environment entirely. I could write down every question which I am stuck on to ask the teacher, and I could also implement a goals list for the class. For the goals I would like to have a structured set of notes to come to class with to be extra prepared, and I would like to make sure to review all class practices so I can get the maximum amount of feedback towards what I need to improve on. I would also like to not touch my phone unless I am 100% completed my Bio homework and studying, if not bio for my other classes as well. I would like to write down questions which I am confused about and refer to my teacher to get help with. I would also like to set the goal of focusing on making more goals in this class.