Hello my name is Caleb. I am a grade 9 student at Riverside Secondary. My current electives are Weight Training 10, Computer Studies 10, and Wood Work 10. I mostly spend all of my free time between family, basketball, going out with friends or family. I spend over 25 hours a week on basketball. I think it is around 30. I really love the sport and have a big passion for it. This year I would like to try and meet new people and create more connections. Look forward to meeting new people.
I chose this because it relates to me in basketball specifically. I think that you should continue to work hard day in and day out over and over until you reach your end goal where you rest. For example, Kobe didn’t rest when he made the NBA he kept on going trying to win championships and becoming one of the greatest of all time. He has made it far in the basketball world inspiring many. When he was at Lower Merion Highschool his English teacher Mr. Fisk had this exact quote which Kobe took to heart.
I chose it because these are two elite professional basketball players having what seems to be a genuine moment. I chose it because it relates to me and basketball and two great NBA players bickering back and forth and ends with laughter which I think is a nice touch.
Canada Official Basketball Teamhttps://www.basketball.ca/