Wire Cutters, an animated short by Jack Anderson, tells the story of two robots from different mining companies. Each robot is equipped with a unique skill that allows them to collect green crystals. The pair quickly realize how beneficial it is to combine their strengths thus forming an agreement to work together and evenly split their findings. Soon the two robots encounter a problem; there is an odd amount of crystals. The two greedy robots quickly turn on each other, both unwilling to let the other have the extra crystal. Their fight ends with the larger robot being dragged away into the storm and severing the smaller robot’s charging cable in the process. The two robots are assumed to have met their ends with the larger robot being swept away by the strong winds the smaller robot left without any means to recharge. Humans, which in this case are represented by robots, each have their own unique set of skills. This variation of abilities allows for new strengths and successes to emerge. However, humans still have their flaws. We may work as a whole but sometimes we forget to think as whole and become selfish and greedy instead. This video shows that when collaborating with others, greed may lead to the destruction of the group.