Social Media Team
What problems might we run into?
Maintaining and gaining followers will be a challenge this year. Now that we have established a strong presence in the student body, the amount of new followers gained from the student body has lowered compared to last year. Rapidevent wants to expand its audience. This will involve getting parents to become followers, as well as the community as well. We also hope to find a way to keep existing followers. We can start by trying to appeal to the Riverside alumni therefore they would want to continue to follow Rapidevent even after they graduate.
Now that rapidevent has become the primary source for keeping students informed, we want to make sure that we don’t stay confined to that box. Rapidevent isn’t just an information hub, it should be a way to represent and showcase the school and all its aspects. We want to remain a reliable outlet for information but we also want to bring in other components as well. The challenge will be finding a balance between all these new ideas. We don’t want to be spamming our followers and we don’t want our quality to go down either.
– What skills do we need to complete this project? How can we attain these skills?
We need to establish strong connections with the different groups we are working with. For example, we would like to start releasing the sports schedules to encourage student support during games and tournaments. We need to create a quick and reliable way to coordinate with the athletics department. For example, having someone in athletic leadership be assigned the job of forwarding key events to rapidevent.
Another skill would be basic photo editing and design skills. We do encourage groups to have ready made posts for us however sometimes that’s not the case. Sometimes we may want to share something that we saw ourselves. There are plenty of editing apps that can be used. As a group we can try out different apps and share and record which apps are the best. We can also seek out the help of the photography teacher and students for tips as well. This year we have Eva who is part of yearbook. We can have her share her expertise as well.
Create a brief timeline of key things that need to happen to ensure successful completion of your project. What happens next?
First two weeks of January
- Establish contacts with athletic leadership to receive updates on sporting events
- Start up newsletter. Get rapidevent on the RAP emailing list and establish format for newsletter. Newsletter to be assigned as a job/task
Month of January
- Throwback Thursdays, once or twice a month (depending on amount of submissions obtained), featuring a throwback photo of teachers. For January, we will be collecting a couple photos from our teachers and depending how many photos we can collect and when we receive them, we will decide our launch date.
Before Spring Break
- Promo Video: Create a short video advertising rapidevent. Encourage students/parents/community members to follow. Also to let the community know how they can reach us if they wish to use rapidevent as an information outlet.