What Widgets and Plugins did you choose?
- 3D Rotating Tag Cloud
- Supreme Google Webfonts
- Compfight Safe Images
What are their strengths?
3D Rotating Tag Cloud
This Widget displays the blogs tags and puts it into an interactive and dynamic cloud. It adds a new visual element to the blog that enhances the overall appearance. The basic cloud provided requires no set-up and can be put onto the blog with a simple push of a button. However, for those who wish the make their cloud even more eye-catching, the widget can be customized in many ways, such as colour schemes and font sizes.
Supreme Google Webfonts
This plugin seamlessly fits in with the editing menu. It offers a drop down menu that allows the user to access a variety of different fonts for their posts.
Compfight Safe Images
This plugin allows users to quickly search then add images from Creative Commons. The images are already approved for use and when added to the post, will include the proper attribution underneath.
What are their weaknesses?
3D Rotating Tag Cloud
In other tag clouds, all the tags can be seen right away and readily selected. In this tag cloud, it is a bit harder to find and select tags. Because of the interactive and dynamic element, it requires more work to find a specific tag, especially if there are many other tags in the cloud.
Supreme Google Webfonts
Not all the fonts are automatically included. The user has to go into their settings and manually select additional fonts.
Compfight Safe Images
It can be difficult to find the right image at times. It may take multiple tries with different keywords in order to find an image that works for the occasion.
Can these programs be used in a classroom setting to enhance student learning? Would you use it and/or recommend it?
I would recommend the Supreme Google Wefonts and Compfight Safe Images plugins.
Supreme Google Webfonts
It is useful customize fonts. Fonts are a quick way to establish a strong and clean format for an assignment. They can be used to improve aesthetics or to allow for different ideas and sections to be organized clearly.
Compfight Safe Images
Citing sources can be a lengthy and tedious process. With this tool, students are able save time through not having to worry about scrolling for hours in search of images that can be used for their work. The pictures are readily available and already have their proper attribution included.