Here is my stop motion animation for my Science Honours 9 class. In this video my partner Alex and I will talk about the Earth and some subtopics like the seasons and tides along with the different mo...Read More
Je ne peux même pas Écoutez à Caitlin et Alyson se plaindre à propros de quelques probèmes qui se passe dans la monde. — Émisson #4 – L’Impolitesse En Public On a toujours de...Read More
In my Science 9 class we were tasked with recreating the solar system using our own scale. Google Maps was the program we used. The solar system is measured with Astronomical Units (AU). One AU is eq...Read More
To start off the astronomy unit in my science class, we had to make a presentation of our own along with a summative assessment. But, in order to make it more interesting we got to chose a space rela...Read More