Stop motion, on the sidewalk bleeding

The theme is a gang fight against the Guardians and Royals, a 16 year old boy named Andy is a member of the royals and gets stabbed by one of the guardians, the message is don’t get involved in a gang because things like this can happen.

The key characters of the story are Andy  who is the main protagonist in the story but he gets stabbed by a gang member of the Guardians. Another key character is Laura who is Andy’s girlfriend and she tries to save him from dying but is too late. The side characters are the cop and the couple, the couples characters are only side characters because they don’t have that much time in the story but they have a really important role for what they said, the cop is also a side character because he only shows up at the end of the story to help Andy but is too late.

The antagonist of the story is the environment and the person who stabbed Andy, the environment is an antagonist because of the elements and conditions that it was in. It was cold and raining outisde, in a dark alley. The person who stabbed Andy is the main antagonist because they caused Andy to be lying on the ground bleeding.

The irony of the story is that Andy thought he looked super cool in his jacket but now he just got rid of it because he didn’t want anyone to find out he was a royal.

The mood of the story is gloomy as its setting is a dark stormy night in a city alley way

A symbol in the story is Andys jacket as it has the Royal logo on it which shows that he is apart of a gang

The conflict of the story is that nobody wanted to help Andy, even though he was in a gang he was only 16 years old

I contributed to this project by doing the movements of the characters and bringing the lego characters, our project is on the sidewalk bleeding

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