What are your major considerations, what do you want to incorporate into your art?…
I want my art to be somewhat aesthetically pleasing, it doesn’t matter how pleasing it is. I couldn’t care less if it looks nice, as long as it works for what I need it to do. Say I make a mug, as long as it is watertight, and useable I don’t care what colour it is as long as it somewhat resembles A mug. I like using clay as my material of choice. I like how it feels as well as how I can work it and make it into any shape. I also like how it looks once it has been fully fired and has a glaze on it. My motivation to make stuff is very high. I love making bowls, mugs, and plates on and off of the wheel. I find the wheel to be fun but challenging simultaneously, as you must center the clay before you can work with it. I find centring it is the hardest part.