The short film Children by Takuya Okada depicts a dystopian society, where individuality is not valued and there are no trees or bushes in sight. The children in this society are all controlled by their teachers, they all look the same and dress the same. All of a sudden a dog shows up and it is running fast, unfortunately, there are train tracks right ahead of it. It runs into the train tracks in this child’s imagination and so they decide to break the laws of society and save the dog by running, leaping, and grabbing the dog mid-air so it doesn’t get hit by the fast approaching train. The short film is speculative fiction because it has a little bit of almost supernatural content with the children all doing the same thing at the same time in the same place, it is like they were bitten by Zombies. Children fit under the term dystopia since, “Dystopias are societies in cataclysmic decline, with characters who battle environmental ruin” (What is Dystopian 2022). In Children, they battle a society in a cataclysmic decline since everyone does the same thing and listens to the same people every day like a very bad dictator, and they are in environmental ruin since there are no plants or green anything anywhere, it is all grey houses and really tall chimneys.