Digital Footprint

  • Describe at least 3 strategies that you can use to keep your digital footprint appropriate and safe.
    • One thing you can do it to not post photos with any address or personnel info on it so that no one can find out where you live. Another thing you can do is not post/send any inappropriate photos because it might not save to the place you send it but someone can screen shot the photo(s) and post it some where and then the photo(s) might become public. One other thing you can do is if an app or a form asks if they can use your phots say no or if it is a form for school you can say yes if you want.
  • What strategies could you use to protect your own identity when using social media?
    • If you don’t need to send photos of your face don’t. Because people might screen shot them and then use them badly like putting your face in a warrant and say you did something you didn’t. The Person might say you broke int there house and then you will have a problem on your hands.
  • What red flags or warnings would indicate that someone you are talking to online may in fact be unsafe?
    • If the person asks you to send a photo of your face and you don’t know the person in real life or is the person asks you to send an inappropriate picture of your self just for fun or they want to post a photo of you online or something else like that. Or say this person wants too meet you in real life and wants to come over to your house or wants to meet you at your school say No, then Report and Block the person that is trying to get photos or saying they want to meet you at your house.

One thought on “Digital Footprint

  1. Thank you for sharing your commentary on how to monitor your online use and how to maintain a credible digital footprint. Below are some observations about your post:

    – You provided complete details to answer the three questions regarding responsible online use
    – You included appropriate photos or media as instructed but consider using share-friendly sources
    – You could consider adding a comment (See how here: and detailed picture citations

    Thank you,
    Mr. Robinson
    COL Teacher for ADL10
    Riverside Secondary School

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