Entrepreneurship and Marketing 10 Goal and CC

My Core competency reflection-

My goal for the future-

The goal I have for myself regarding branching off of this course is,

  1. Take another business class (Accounting or Marketing)
  2. Get work done in school so you can ask questions
  3. Better organization for future courses and work management
  4. Study!!!!!

I chose these to be my goals because I haven’t been able to complete them for awhile so I am addressing it now so I can look forward to a brighter and easier future. Starting another business class that is more challenging can motivate me more into looking into what makes a business. If I get my work done within class I am able to ask questions without having to remember and forget. If I had better organization and work management I would have been less stressed for my last 2 years of school, addressing it now than later is better than never. My study habits have always been terrible (cramming everything last minute) so this semester I implemented the goal of trying to study a few days early so I have a better and easier time remembering.


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