Causes of climate change in the West Coast-
There are many causes of climate change for the West Coast but I am going to be focusing more on the causes of climate change in the Natural Resources area. Over harvesting trees is a main cause, trees hold a lot of carbon and when you cut down trees the carbon is released back into the atmosphere. Generating power such as burning fossil fuels, some specific fossil fuels being coal and oil, when burning these they emit large amounts of carbon and warm the atmosphere. When we are constantly burning fossil fuels and cutting down trees there are going to be large amounts of carbon in the atmosphere with us constantly exhaling carbon and having no trees to hold it.
Effects of climate change in the West Coast-
With the many effects of climate change in the West Coast I will be focusing the effects on the Natural resources. Humans influence has been driving unprecedented changes in the Earth’s climate. Canadas climate has increased in heat and will continue to do so from human’s influence. Oceans that surround Canada has warmed and become more acidic and less oxygenated. Precipitation is going to increase although summer rainfall may decrease in partial areas. Coastal flooding is expected because of the sea level rising.