HCE 9 – English Write


The artist used colour, symbolism, and gesture to show us the issue of inclusivity. The coloration shows us the assorted colours the birds are, the multiple pigeons are coloured black and grey, but the single exotic bird is the coloured blue, green, and yellow. This shows us that there is an exterior difference between the two. The pigeons are bunched together as a group and the exotic bird is left alone with no other bird like him in the image. The symbolism this photo is using pigeons to represent people and how people are protesting against people of different colouration. These pigeons are holding signs saying, “Migrants not welcome,” “Go back to Africa” and lastly “Keep off our worms,” these signs are representing that the pigeons do not want new and exotic birds. This image only gives us one reason why they do not want the exotic bird, and that reason is because they don’t want the bird eating their worms. The gesture in this image is that the pigeons do not want new exotic birds. They hold up signs making the exotic bird feel unwelcomed, these pigeons are telling the bird to leave just because of how it may look. So doing as the pigeons ask the bird is turned away and is about to fly off. To end this paragraph this image lacks inclusivity and to show this lack of inclusivity the artist paints the different colour birds/pigeons, and one group of birds/pigeons protest against each other, in this image it is the pigeons protesting against the bird.

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