The Friday Everything Changed

  1. What is the article about?

The article talks about how it will take one hundred thirty five years to close the gender gap, especially in the political world.  This means that there are not enough women in politics. The writer mentions that Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, Canada and Norway are the most gender equal countries.  Some countries have more women in politics because of their electoral systems.

2. Who does it involve?

This article looks at overall gender equality but it focuses on the gender inequality within politics around the world. It also highlights the countries that are making a change and some ways that we can make it better.

3. Why did you choose this article?

I chose this article because it is a very informative article and you can learn lots from reading it. I find it interesting that we are still over one hundred years away from achieving gender equality around the world.

4. How does this news article relate to the story we are reading?

Both the article and story talk about how women are still fighting for equal rights. Another common theme is that women are fighting for the right to have the same job opportunities as men.

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