Inovation Final Post

Our group for the innovation project created the wrist wallet and we collaborated by adding ideas to other people’s ideas to make ideas better. What I liked about this project was being able to create things that we would have not been able to by…

Solution Fluency-Wrist Wallet

Define: The Wrist Wallet we are trying to make is a wallet attached to your watch. It’s going to help people so that they do not have to take their wallet out of their pockets and look socially ackward. Also, you would not forget to…

DNA-Edible Model

1. Chromosomes , DNA, and genes worked to build a human body. Chromosomes are spirals inside DNA and genes are the segments of DNA. 2. The licorice are sugar/phosphate backbone, the marshmallows are bases and the toothpicks are bonds between bases and backbone. The green…

Observing Cells

1a. Animal cells look like bubbles or jellyfish. The visible cell structures of an animal cells are cells and the nucleus. 1b. Plant cells look like a snake’s skin. The visible cell structures of a plant cells are cells and nucleus. 2. Plant cells are…

Solution Fluency-Metallic Pill

Define: The metallic pill that we are making has a tiny robot inside that cure disease. The problem that we are trying to solve is curing disease that current technology can not fix. This technology will help people who are sick or ill from diseases….

Static electricity blog post

•Like charges repel and opposite charges attract •Two types of charges are a result of electricity •Static electricity is caused by friction The lab that help me understand static is the van der graaff generator