BC’s Forestry Industry

Clearcutting is a tactic used in the logging industry by which all trees in a cutting area re cut at once


  • Clearcutting is the fastest way to harvest and replant large amounts of trees which is financially beneficial for logging companies and investors
  • Clearcutting increases soil water and stream flow, increasing the amount of water in the area and improving the quality of soil
  • Clearcutting creates new farmlands for local farmers


  • It can destroy plant life and habitats for animals
  • After a clear-cut, many stumps are left behind which takes up the space and prevents the land from being used

Silviculture is an aim for people to control the growth, health and quality of forests to regenerate the forests for people’s needs


  • May be able to maintain some wildlife habitats and enhances biological diversity
  • Maintain the visual qualities


  • May cause change to vegetation and the habitats for fish and wildlife
  • Residual trees may blow over in to other areas
  • May damage young or regenerating trees

Selective Logging is cutting down limited amounts of specific types of trees


  • Selective logging has a low impact on the beauty of the forest
  • Selective logging protects the stability of the soil
  • Selective logging maintains the habitats of wildlife


  • Might risk damaging the remaining trees
  • It may be unsuitable for trees requiring shade to grow
  • Pests and diseases might get worse

The BC’s Forestry Industry is not very sustainable because systems like clearcutting exposes the site to extremes of temperature, wind, and precipitation. Selective logging risk damaging remaining trees that are supposed to be left to grow or regenerate. As I researched about the systems used in BC, there are worse disadvantages than advantages. Therefore, I would say that the BC’s Forestry Industry is unsustainable.


Harrison, P. (2018, April 23). What Are Some Advantages & Disadvantages of Clear Cutting? From: https://sciencing.com/advantages-disadvantages-clear-cutting-8481691.html

Silvicultural Systems in British Columbia From: https://www.for.gov.bc.ca/hfp/publications/00205/

One comment

  1. brchan · November 15, 2019 at 12:30 am ·

    Did you get a chance to look into our silviculture practices? What about the economy?