HCE 9 – Explanatory Paragraph

On December 14th, 2021, my English 9 class started a project by looking at four images and inspecting them. We needed to choose one image and go in a dive further than before into what this image means and what it’s trying to tell us. I chose to pursue this with the image titled “Birds on a wire” by Banksy. Enjoy.


This illustration represents the racism that is in the world. The group of birds symbolizes the white people and white privilege that they think they have since they have the “power” to protest and riot against the rights of others and the police will barely do anything about it, but if coloured people decide to do the same thing, there will be a lot of police involved. The green bird symbolizes the coloured community and what they have to endure tremendously which can even be a day-to-day routine. The wire can also represent land or some type of country. This can come back to white privilege again, since it shows how the group of birds think they basically have ownership over the wire, but it’s something that’s exposed and open to all birds, so the types of bird on the wire shouldn’t matter, since it’s something that’s open to the birds. This can also represent immigrants and it shows how a lot of people act when they see someone. People treat immigrants and coloured people as if they were from another planet, as if they were another species that they want to get rid of and remove, but they’re still human. The coloured bird is still a bird, just a different type of bird and that’s okay because the colour gives the art the spark and differance that’s needed in the world.