CC Self-Assessment – Math 9

In Math 9, we have learned many skills for life as well as combining those maybe difficult areas with fun activities like using Desmos or doing a group activity. You will see many ‘I can’ statements throughout this post, but I have a main one that I will directly compare to math at the bottom. Here is my self analysis:

What have you accomplished so far in Math 9?

I have accomplished many things in Math 9. Some of which are the ability to understand word problems better. I can ask questions and consider opinions and I demonstrate this by always asking the teacher or a peer when I am struggling. I am able to consider different strategies in the way people solve a problem as well as imputing my own ways to help others.


How have you developed in this course?

I have developed the capacity to work even when I am frustrated or stressed out and push myself through to get my work done and understand the material that’s given to us. I can consider more than one new way to proceed and make choices. I am able to look at different ways to solve something and choose the one that works the best for me.


What are some notable experiences that you could draw upon?

I can explore and engage with materials and sources. I was able to adapt to new sources like Desmos (which I don’t think I’ve used before this class) and also new people since I don’t know many people in the Math class. I am able to work and also help others with work if it is something new that maybe I am able to understand faster than other people.


I can examine my thinking, seek feedback, reassess my work, and adjust.
I have demonstrated this in Math 9 by being able to change what I’m doing when something isn’t working. When I get stuck on a question, I usually rethink what the question is asking and if I still don’t understand I ask the teacher or a peer for help. Once I get the feedback needed, I am able to redo the question the correct way and figure out what I was doing wrong so I am able to understand why I got it wrong and what to do next time I come across a question similar to that question.

Unit 1 Summary – Math 9

On February 14th, we started a math project discussing out first unit. We had to pick one topic and demonstrate it using examples and important facts/tips that other students might need to know. I have chosen to demonstrate how to estimate imperfect square roots and then for my harder example, I showed how to be more precise using Heron’s method. My work is attached below.