CC Self Assessment – Français 12

I can show if I like something or not.
I am able to show if I like something or not through this project since we were supposed to take a side. Although the subject was something I was on the fence or not, I was still able to clearly show the side I was on. Also, for the other presentations I was able to show through my questions that I was on the opposite side of the presenters and ask in depth questions to get them to think about their topic.

– What was the most challenging element of the debate project for you personally? Did you overcome that challenge and if so, how did you do so?
I think the presentation was the most difficult part for me. There was a lot of anxiety surrounding it, especially since we were going first. Moreover, there was the part where others got to ask us questions and that was really difficult to deal with. I enjoy having something I am able to practice and something I can generally follow, so that was not a possibility with the questions. Although we did prepare some questions, playing devils advocate for ourselves and one of the questions were asked by M. Tao and it was about how MAID for only mental health conditions will be avaliable in the future and I was glad it was asked because then I was able to solidify that we were not talking about that, and that we did not agree with that part. We were for MAID only for physical illnesses.

– How did this project (as presenter or listener) change your perspectives?
I think for a lot of the different subjects I saw a perspective I didn’t see before and got a lot of different information that I didn’t know before. A lot of the subjects were really the side I was on, but a few weren’t. As a presenter, I was really on the fence about MAID before I learned more about it. Although there are certain areas I’m uncertain about still, I think I have a more in depth perspective and understand how for some people it might be a good thing.

– What were you most proud of in your project?
My last paragraph probably and all the research we did. Although at the end we were told that the first two subjects weren’t what we were supposed to do, I still think we did a lot of research on them. And for my last paragraph, I was grateful to be able to find multiple stories and be able to recount them in a respectful and informative manner while also continuing to support our argument and side of the debate.

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